Thursday, March 11, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 4

 sisters of Jesus page 4 by ric gustafson

Pheodora heard the knock. She walked over and opened the courtyard door. It was her brother James. He gave her a worried stare. 
" What's wrong brother?". She knew something was wrong. " Is it Chiram?".
" Yes". He frowned. " He was arrested".
Fear came over her face. " Why?".
" The publican tax collector caught him". James sighed. " He did not have the four denarii". 
" What do we do now?".
" I don't know". James embraced his sister. " I will go to the prison tomorrow and straighten things out".
" What about the girls and I?". Pheodora began to cry. " We will starve".
" Come stay with us''.  James grinned. " There is plenty of room".
" Thank you brother".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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