Thursday, March 4, 2021

Malchus page 10

 Malchus page 10 by ric gustafson

Caiaphas, Jonathan and Malchus stopped at a gated archway. A Roman soldier was guarding in front of it. 
" State your business".
" I am Joseph Caiaphas the High Priest". He stared at the young soldier. " It is urgent that I speak to the Procurator".
" Stay here". He returned a short time later. " Follow me".
The soldier led the three to the northeast corner of the Antonia Fortress. After four dimly lit flights of stone stairs, the soldier knocked on a large arced door. The large room had windows on all sides. Staring out one of the windows was a short stocky man. " I hope this is important Caiaphas".
The Chief Priest nodded his head. " We are here because of a matter of great urgency".
" It must be". Pilate looked at Jonathan. " You brought your captain of the temple guards". Then Pilate noticed Malchus. " And who is this?".
" My slave Procurator".
" Your slave". Pilate smirked. " What is your urgent matter?".

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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