Saturday, March 27, 2021

Dachau page 1

 Dachau page 1 by ric gustafson

On the road to Ingolstadt and fifteen kilometres north west of Munich is the town of Dachau. Lying on the river Amper, the town was built on a hill overlooking the region. The area is wooded, marshy and deals with long winters right up to April. 
Heinrich Himmler announced that on March 21 1933, a camp was to be opened called Dachau Concentration Camp. Two days later, about sixty prisoners were brought there. The first prisoners were all political prisoners of the regime. Huts were put together for the prisoners. Huts were grouped for political, anti social and emigres. There was a hut for the punishment company, one for invalids and one for the hospital hut. The prisoner huts were guarded by five guard towers containing sentries with machine guns.
In 1937, construction of new buildings was started. It was completed in August of 1938. The main entrance to the camp was at the administrative building. At the gate was an inscription. In wrought iron lettering it said ' Arbeit Macht Frei'. It was translated as ' Work Sets Free'.

research help: ' Dachau 1933-1945' by Paul Berben

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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