Tuesday, March 9, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 2

 sisters of Jesus page 2 by ric gustafson

Pheodora heard the creak of the courtyard gate. So did her daughters. All four ran up to their tired father.
" My beautiful daughters". He hugged each of them and gave each a gift.
Chiram smiled at his wife. " I brought you a gift also".
" You did not have to do that".
He handed Pheodora a square of folded fabric.
She hugged her husband. " Thank you".
He thought for a moment. " One bad thing did occur on my my way home".
" What happened?".
" I was stopped by a tax collector".
" Oh no!". Fear came across her face. " How much will we owe him?".
" The next time I see him". His voice hesitated. " Four denarii".
" That's your wages for four days". She began to cry. " We can't afford that".
Chiram grinned. " We will trust Adonai".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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