Sunday, March 14, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 7

 sisters of Jesus page 7 by ric gustafson

The Pharisee Lavan offered Shimon a peacock leg. " Try this".
As Shimon ate, Lavan gave him a worried stare. " Shimon, there is something that concerns us".
Shimon stopped eating. " What is that?".
" Your wife's relationship to that rabble rouser".
" Yeshua is her oldest brother".
" He is openly critical of our group". He frowned. " We are worried you will do the same".
" I bear no loyalty to him". Shimon sighed. " We are not among his followers".
" Will you swear you will not support your brother in law".
Shimon nodded. " I can".
" Good". The Pharisee smiled. " Your future with us looks bright".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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