Monday, March 29, 2021

Dachau page 2

 Dachau page 2 by ric gustafson

As you enter Dachau, you come upon a large building on the right. This was the cookhouse, the food shop and prisoners clothing and effects. There was a clothing shop, cobbler and tailor shop. In the cookhouse, soup was done in large vats. Food carriers brought them to the huts. Between this complex and the southern fence was the Bunker. From these buildings was a vast gravel area, This was the Appelplatz where roll calls and punishment happened. In the middle of this was the Lagerstrasse. It was 300 metres long and lined with poplars. On either side were huts called Blocks. 
The Blocks were numbered to 34. The Blocks were built of wood and cement slabs. There was the sick Block. There were the quarantine Blocks. There were huts for ordinary prisoners and the clergy. 
The prisoners slept in double tiered bunks called Stube. There was a day room and a stove in the center. Each barrack hut could house 208 men. Eventually overcrowding occured.

research help: ' Dachau' by Paul Berben

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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