Saturday, March 6, 2021

Malchus page 14

 Malchus page 14 by ric gustafson

Malchus edged his way to the front of the mob. He now stood next to Flavius and Jonathan. 
" You have found me". Jesus pointed at his disciples. " Let these others go".
Flavius sneered. " I have no orders to arrest anyone other than the Nazarene".
Malchus watched  Flavius draw his sword. All of a sudden, Malchus felt as if his head was just whacked by something cold. He screamed and then fell to the ground. In agony, he held onto what remained of his right ear.
Jesus yelled. " Enough of this". As Malchus kept screaming in agony, Jesus bent down and touched the large gash on the side of Malchus's head.
As Jesus kept his finger on his ear, Malchus's pain began to subside. When Jesus removed his finger, Malchus's pain stopped.
" Put your sword away". Jesus frowned at Peter. " He who lives by the sword will die from the sword".
" You came for me with swords and clubs". Jesus stared at the mob. " This hour has been given to you to fulfill the scriptures of the prophets".
Flavius pointed to some soldiers. " Arrest him". They tied Jesus's hands behind his back with ropes.
The disciples fled one by one.
The mob led Jesus away.
Malchus held his restored ear. A miracle had just happened.

The End.

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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