Wednesday, March 31, 2021

the great egg souffle caper page 3

 the great egg souffle caper page 3 by ric gustafson

Elnora looked at her watch. There was only twenty minutes to go.
" Happy Easter Elnora" Sylvia Chase said with a smile. She was carrying an egg souffle dish. " The egg souffle is here".
Soon, a couple more church members brought more egg souffle. They helped Elnora with the hot cross buns and filling the orange juice.
Elnora began to feel as if a weight was coming off her shoulders.
The firsr of the sunrise service parishoners started to come down the stairs.
" Happy Easter Elnora" Mildred Gerch said as she hugged her friend. " Christ is risen".
Elnora grinned. " Christ is risen indeed". She handed her friend a plate of egg souffle and a hot cross bun.
The sunrise service crowd was small. Elnora had just enough egg souffle and hot cross buns to go around. When the traffic had died down, Elnora sat down to rest.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

the great egg souffle caper page 2

 the great egg souffle caper page 2 by ric gustafson

After setting up the last chairs, Roger put the rolling rack into a corner.
" I noticed that Marjorie was upstairs getting everything in order".
" Good". She set a basket on the serving table for a freewill offering.
" Happy Easter Elnora".
She turned around. " Pastor Greerson, I did not hear you come down".
" I just came down to see how you were doing". He quickly glanced around the room. " The sunrise service is about to begin".
" Marjorie is in charge upstairs and we are doing fine down here".
" Good". He walked back upstairs.
Elnora looked at her watch. She sat down and began to wait for help. She was hoping that egg souffle dishes would be coming soon. Elnora began to pray that the morning would be uneventful.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 29, 2021

the great egg souffle caper page 1

 the great egg souffle caper page 1 by ric gustafson

Elnora Jensen walked quietly down the carpeted steps. She turned on the lights. The large downstairs room was used as a youth room, confirmation classes and this morning Easter breakfast. She walked over and opened the heavy purple curtains. It was a beautiful Easter morning. She turned around. It was the smiling face of Roger Corby the church's custodian.
" Happy Easter Roger". She walked over to the refrigerator. She wanted to make sure they had plenty of orange juice.
" Happy Easter Elnora". He pulled up a rolling rack of folding chairs. He began to set them up.
" Did the hot cross buns get here from the store?".
" Yes they did". He started setting up the chairs. " And we should have plenty of napkins and paper plates also".
" Good". She began to set up coffee pots. Then she put napkins, plates and paper cups on the serving table.
" How is the upstairs doing?".
" Just fine". He smiled. " Marjorie is already getting things arranged".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Dachau page 2

 Dachau page 2 by ric gustafson

As you enter Dachau, you come upon a large building on the right. This was the cookhouse, the food shop and prisoners clothing and effects. There was a clothing shop, cobbler and tailor shop. In the cookhouse, soup was done in large vats. Food carriers brought them to the huts. Between this complex and the southern fence was the Bunker. From these buildings was a vast gravel area, This was the Appelplatz where roll calls and punishment happened. In the middle of this was the Lagerstrasse. It was 300 metres long and lined with poplars. On either side were huts called Blocks. 
The Blocks were numbered to 34. The Blocks were built of wood and cement slabs. There was the sick Block. There were the quarantine Blocks. There were huts for ordinary prisoners and the clergy. 
The prisoners slept in double tiered bunks called Stube. There was a day room and a stove in the center. Each barrack hut could house 208 men. Eventually overcrowding occured.

research help: ' Dachau' by Paul Berben

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Dachau page 1

 Dachau page 1 by ric gustafson

On the road to Ingolstadt and fifteen kilometres north west of Munich is the town of Dachau. Lying on the river Amper, the town was built on a hill overlooking the region. The area is wooded, marshy and deals with long winters right up to April. 
Heinrich Himmler announced that on March 21 1933, a camp was to be opened called Dachau Concentration Camp. Two days later, about sixty prisoners were brought there. The first prisoners were all political prisoners of the regime. Huts were put together for the prisoners. Huts were grouped for political, anti social and emigres. There was a hut for the punishment company, one for invalids and one for the hospital hut. The prisoner huts were guarded by five guard towers containing sentries with machine guns.
In 1937, construction of new buildings was started. It was completed in August of 1938. The main entrance to the camp was at the administrative building. At the gate was an inscription. In wrought iron lettering it said ' Arbeit Macht Frei'. It was translated as ' Work Sets Free'.

research help: ' Dachau 1933-1945' by Paul Berben

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lucile and Elinor page 10

 Lucile and Elinor page 10 by ric gustafson

Elinor looked around at the beautiful scenery. " Scotland is so pretty this time of year".
Lucile smiled. " Thank you for coming with your family".
" I think I will set a novel here someday".
" I'm sure you will".
The two sisters watched as Cosmo was playing with the grandchildren.
" Is everything going ok with Cosmo?".
" Times were tough for a few years". Lucile frowned. " Everything is better now".
" That's great".
" I have big news".
" What's that?".
" I've been asked to write fashion advice for a newspaper".
" So there will be two writers in the family".
Lucile grinned. " It looks that way".
Elinor hugged her big sister. " The IT Girls are together again".

The End.

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lucile and Elinor page 9

 Lucile and Elinor page 9 by ric gustafson

Some of the crew were preparing to launch a small boat. The boat had empty seats.
" Hello there". Cosmo yelled. " Any room in that lifeboat for three?".
" It's the Captain's boat". The Petty Officer frowned. " I have a feeling he's not coming".
" Can we get in?".
" Ok".
Lucile and Franks were carefully led onto the boat toward the prow.
Cosmo stood there not moving.
" Please Cosmo". Lucile began to shriek. " Please get in".
Cosmo climbed in along with two other males.
" Cast off". The boat began to lower. " Once you hit the water, pull away as quick as you can".
The boat did not return for survivors.

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 26, 2021

Lucile and Elinor page 8

 Lucile and Elinor page 8 by ric gustafson

Lucile had finally closed her eyes to sleep. A jolt woke her up. The jolt almost flung her out of the bed. She bumped her head above her pillows. A vase of flowers crashed to the floor. She could hear the engines straining.
She got up and put on her fur coat. She opened the door and then walked across the corridor. The corridor lights were flickering. She found his key. She opened the door. He was still asleep. 
She shook her husband. " Cosmo, wake up".
He opened his eyes. " Lucile, what's wrong?".
" The ship is having some sort of problem".
He got out of bed. " I'll go check things out".
" Thank you".
" Get dressed". He glanced at what she had on. " Doubly dressed".

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Lucile and Elinor page 7

 Lucile and Elinor page 7 by ric gustafson

Cosmo and Lucile walked into the first class dining room. They were excited. They were sitting at Captain Smith's table tonight. They were seated next to an American woman.
" I'm Margaret Brown". She smiled. " Please call me Molly". Also at the table was Isidor Strauss and his wife. 
The food and wine was grand like the ship itself. For dinner, they were served caviar, quail and lobster.
Lucile showed her husband her notebook. " Look at all the people who have written in my book".
" Like who my love?".
" John Jacob Astor and his bride".
Cosmo nodded. " I have met them".
" Ben Guggenheim".
Cosmo grinned. " I have not met him yet".
Lucile turned another page. " I'm using this notebook for New York contacts and business".
" Always the businesswoman".  Cosmo pecked her cheek. " I'm turning in".

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Lucile and Elinor page 6

 Lucile and Elinor page 6 by ric gustafson

Lucile showed Elinor a sketch of a ball gown.
" It's lovely". She sighed. " And thank you for the loan".
Lucile smiled. " So who is this Lord Curzon?".
" He is a friend". Her voice hesitated. " And an advisor".
" Elinor". She frowned at her little sister. " People are telling me to warn you about this Lord Curzon".
" Too late big sister". She grinned. " I'm already in love with him".
" What about Clayton?".
She shook her head. " All he cares about are our debts and creditors".
" Oh, I forgot to tell you".
" What's that?".
" Cosmo is getting us first class tickets on that new liner".
" What's the name of that ship again?".
" Titanic".

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 22, 2021

Lucile and Elinor page 5

 Lucile and Elinor page 5 by ric gustafson

Working in her office, Lucile was reading a letter from her sister. She was currently in the US staying with the Vanderbilt family. In the letter, she was telling her big sister about staying at the swank Plaza Hotel. Her brand new book was getting fabulous reviews. 
As she read the letter, Lucile was beginning to get jealous. She was getting jealous because she wanted to flourish in the US with her business.
At the last moment, she decided to go to America and visit her now famous little sister.
While in New York City, Lucile took her friend Elsie to look at a building on West 36th Street. It was at this time that Cosmo mentioned a new friend. His name was J P Morgan. He was the owner of the White Star Line. He told Cosmo that his company was designing a massive ocean liner. Already people were saying that this liner would be unsinkable. Morgan suggested to Cosmo that he and Lucile should be on the maiden voyage.

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Lucile and Elinor page 4

 Lucile and Elinor page 4 by ric gustafson

Lucile and her mother were in their Monte Carlo hotel room. Then there was a loud knocking at the door. Lucile opened it to reveal Cosmo.
" Cosmo, what are you doing?".
He ran in. " Is he here?".
" Is who here?".
" Lord C".
" Only mother and I are here".  Lord C was a fictional character created by Elinor.
After seeing no one else, Cosmo sat down in a chair. " Has he proposed marriage to you yet?".
" No Cosmo". Lucile grinned. " He has not".
" Good". He smiled. " I want to help you with your growing business".
" I have plans to expand". Her voice hesitated. " Hopefully Paris and America".
" I can help you with that".
She hugged him. " I know you will".
" Lucile Sutherland Wallace". He got down on one knee. " Will you marry me?".
" Yes Cosmo". She began to cry. " I will".
They wed two weeks later.

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lucile and Elinor page 3

 Lucile and Elinor page 3 by ric gustafson

Lucile and Elinor walked out of the theatre. 
Elinor sighed. " You seem unhappy".
" I miss Cosmo deeply". She stared at her sister. " And how are you and Clayton getting along?".
" Not good". She frowned. " He doesn't want me to write under my real name".
A tear came to Lucile's face. " How do I get Cosmo to agree to a deeper relationship?".
Elinor smiled. " Take him to Monte Carlo".
" Just like you did with Clayton".
" That's right". She smiled again. " Works every time".
" I can't leave my business right now".
" Have one of your assistants run the shop".
Lucile smiled. " I'll do it".

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 19, 2021

Lucile and Elinor page 2

 Lucile and Elinor page 2 by ric gustafson

Lucile was sad. Cosmo Duff Gordon did not contact her again. He was right. She could not control her new business's finances. Her business was expanding. She needed help.
Then one day, Cosmo asked her to come to a building near Savile Row. Both stared at an empty building.
" It's deep but looks narrow". He smiled. " There is storage and four rooms at the back".
" I love it". She clapped her hands with joy. " I can see ' The Maison Lucile' over the door".
" Let's go inside".
Inside, Lucile looked around. " I can see fresh paint, a waiting room and a fitting room".
" I had a feeling you would love it". He took something out of his pocket. " Here's the key".
She hugged him. " Thank you Cosmo".
At that moment, she was in love.
She could not wait to tell her sister.

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Lucile and Elinor page 1

 Lucile and Elinor page 1 by ric gustafson

The new caller had a black mustache and raven hair. He also had a black patch over his left eye. 
" My name is Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon". He handed Lucile his business card.
She glanced at it. " My brother in law Clayton Glyn mentioned you". She handed him back the card. 
" I can't afford financial services at the moment". She frowned. " I'm just starting my fashion trade". She glanced at his left hand. " I could make garments for your wife".
" I have no wife". He grinned. " I would be honored to assess your financial standing".
" I've already hired someone to do that". She smiled. " Thank you for coming Mr Gordon".
He smiled. " Please call me Cosmo".

research help: ' The IT Girls' by Karen Harper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Titanic lifeboat emergency boat number 1

 Titanic lifeboat emergency boat number 1 by ric gustafson

In this lifeboat were a total of 12 people. Lady Duff Gordon and her maid Miss Francatelli. Lord Duff Gordon, a Mr Solomon and a Mr Stengel. Crew in the lifeboat were seamen Symons, Horswell. Firemen Collins, Hendrickson, Pusey, Shee and Taylor.
Crewman Symons helped Lady Duff Gordon and the maid into the boat. When the boat sailed away from the huge liner, water was already up to C Deck. This was the fourth lifeboat to leave the starboard side.
The boat did not go back to help rescue people.

research help: ' Titanic First Accounts' by Penguin Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

sisters of Jesus page10

 sisters of Jesus page 10 by ric gustafson

It had been three days since Pheodora had heard the shocking news. The Romans had crucified her oldest brother.
Later that day, a stranger approached Pheodora.
" Are you from Nazareth?".
" I am".
" I bring good news". He smiled. " Yeshua has risen".
" You must be joking".
" He fulfilled his own prophecy". He grinned. " He is alive".
Was it possible she thought to herself. Could my oldest brother be alive.
One day, a visitor approached Pheodora.
" Have you heard the news?".
" What news?".
" Yeshua's followers were talking in foreign languages".
Pheodora chuckled. " They must of been drunk".
" Yeshua told many people". He smiled. " The Scriptures had been fulfilled in your hearing".
The youngest sister of Yeshua pondered that thought in her heart.

The End

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 9

 sisters of Jesus page 9 by ric gustafson

Pheodora had heard of a fever sweeping through coastal cities. She was worried about Chiram. He was already weak and did not eat much. Pheodora's brothers were still doing carpentry work and helping their sisters daughters. Pheodora hoped that one day Yeshua would come back home.
" Why doesn't Shimon and Damaris visit us anymore?".
James looked at his sister. " I thought you understood".
" Understand what?".
" Shimon is not allowed to be near us".
Pheodora looked perplexed. " Why?".
" To the Pharisees, we are ignorant and impure".
Pheodora stared at her brother. " Even Yeshua".
Jude grinned. " Especially Yeshua".
James frowned. " He mingles with Gentiles and sinners".
Pheodora sighed. " I'm sure Shimon would avoid him at all costs".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 15, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 8

 sisters of Jesus page 8 by ric gustafson

James, Simeon, Joses and Pheodora left Nazareth to visit Chiram in prison. She carried a basket containing dried fish, bread and figs. When she finally saw her husband, she did not recognize him.
" Hello my husband". She smiled and held his hand. " We have brought food for you".
" Pheodora". He gave her a weak grin. " I can't believe you came".
" The goats have given birth".
Chiram stared at Pheodora's brothers. " Any news about Yeshua?".
Simeon frowned. " The religious leaders call him a rabble rouser".
James spoke up. " I wanted to ask you about a rumor I heard".
" What rumor is that?".
" Your father was one of the shepherds watching the flocks the night Yeshua was born".
" It's true". Chiram scratched his chin. " He was there".
Joses grinned. " This was by Bethlehem".
" Yes". Chiram sighed. " I was seven years old".
Pheodora thought for a moment. " That would make my oldest brother 33 years old".
" Yes".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 14, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 7

 sisters of Jesus page 7 by ric gustafson

The Pharisee Lavan offered Shimon a peacock leg. " Try this".
As Shimon ate, Lavan gave him a worried stare. " Shimon, there is something that concerns us".
Shimon stopped eating. " What is that?".
" Your wife's relationship to that rabble rouser".
" Yeshua is her oldest brother".
" He is openly critical of our group". He frowned. " We are worried you will do the same".
" I bear no loyalty to him". Shimon sighed. " We are not among his followers".
" Will you swear you will not support your brother in law".
Shimon nodded. " I can".
" Good". The Pharisee smiled. " Your future with us looks bright".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 13, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 6

 sisters of Jesus page 6 by ric gustafson

Pheodora stopped the donkey.
" That is Caesarea". James pointed. " Where does this person with the goats live?".
" His name is Nathan ben Abram". She thought for a moment. " I'm not sure where he lives".
After a while, they walked up to a tax collectors booth.
A little man walked out. " Come". He smiled. " I will not keep you long".
" I am James ben Joseph". His voice hesitated. " I  am traveling from Nazareth with my sister".
The man looked at the donkey. " Is your donkey carrying goods for sale?".
" No". James shook his head. " Only food and water".
" What about your donkey and blankets?".
" We are using the blankets and the donkey is borrowed".
He squinted his eyes. " Then why are you traveling?".
" We are going to pick up some livestock".
" Then you will have taxable goods".
" Yes".
" Good". He waved them off. " Off with you then".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 12, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 5

 sisters of Jesus page 5 by ric gustafson

One day, Pheodora opened the front door. It was her sister Damaris. She walked in carrying a basket. She put the basket on a table.
" Here are some dried figs and more bread".
" Thank you". Pheodora smiled. " We have been waiting to hear from you".
" Shimon is reluctant to help your husband". She frowned. " He does not want to interfere with his mentor's business affairs".
" What about my husband and children?". Pheodora was confused and getting angry. " What's going to happen to us?".
" It's complicated". Damaris shrugged her shoulders. " My husband is involved with powerful men".
" We should never have asked in the first place".
Tears came down her face as her sister left. Later, she traded some personal items for some hens at the market.
Pheodora asked James to go with her to obtain two pregnant goats.

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 11, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 4

 sisters of Jesus page 4 by ric gustafson

Pheodora heard the knock. She walked over and opened the courtyard door. It was her brother James. He gave her a worried stare. 
" What's wrong brother?". She knew something was wrong. " Is it Chiram?".
" Yes". He frowned. " He was arrested".
Fear came over her face. " Why?".
" The publican tax collector caught him". James sighed. " He did not have the four denarii". 
" What do we do now?".
" I don't know". James embraced his sister. " I will go to the prison tomorrow and straighten things out".
" What about the girls and I?". Pheodora began to cry. " We will starve".
" Come stay with us''.  James grinned. " There is plenty of room".
" Thank you brother".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 3

 sisters of Jesus page 3 by ric gustafson

Shimon had warned Damaris that a Pharisee was coming to visit.
He walked through the front door. " Peace be to all who dwell in this house".
He wore a turban and a tunic of fine linen. He had a neatly trimmed beard. He wore a gold ring.
Shimon lowered his head. " It would be an honor to join your group".
" We observe purity in two areas". He grinned. " The first is submission to Levitical purity". His voice hesitated. " The second is tithing".
" My family will commit to obeying the Law".
" Good". He smiled. " There is one more item to talk about".
" Yes". 
" You are related to Yeshua Ben Joseph". 
" He is my brother in law". Shimon frowned. " We do not associate with him or what he does".
" Good". He smiled. " He is a deep concern among my brothers".
Before he left, he gave a benediction to the household.

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 2

 sisters of Jesus page 2 by ric gustafson

Pheodora heard the creak of the courtyard gate. So did her daughters. All four ran up to their tired father.
" My beautiful daughters". He hugged each of them and gave each a gift.
Chiram smiled at his wife. " I brought you a gift also".
" You did not have to do that".
He handed Pheodora a square of folded fabric.
She hugged her husband. " Thank you".
He thought for a moment. " One bad thing did occur on my my way home".
" What happened?".
" I was stopped by a tax collector".
" Oh no!". Fear came across her face. " How much will we owe him?".
" The next time I see him". His voice hesitated. " Four denarii".
" That's your wages for four days". She began to cry. " We can't afford that".
Chiram grinned. " We will trust Adonai".

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Malchus page 14

 Malchus page 14 by ric gustafson

Malchus edged his way to the front of the mob. He now stood next to Flavius and Jonathan. 
" You have found me". Jesus pointed at his disciples. " Let these others go".
Flavius sneered. " I have no orders to arrest anyone other than the Nazarene".
Malchus watched  Flavius draw his sword. All of a sudden, Malchus felt as if his head was just whacked by something cold. He screamed and then fell to the ground. In agony, he held onto what remained of his right ear.
Jesus yelled. " Enough of this". As Malchus kept screaming in agony, Jesus bent down and touched the large gash on the side of Malchus's head.
As Jesus kept his finger on his ear, Malchus's pain began to subside. When Jesus removed his finger, Malchus's pain stopped.
" Put your sword away". Jesus frowned at Peter. " He who lives by the sword will die from the sword".
" You came for me with swords and clubs". Jesus stared at the mob. " This hour has been given to you to fulfill the scriptures of the prophets".
Flavius pointed to some soldiers. " Arrest him". They tied Jesus's hands behind his back with ropes.
The disciples fled one by one.
The mob led Jesus away.
Malchus held his restored ear. A miracle had just happened.

The End.

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 13

 Malchus page 13 by ric gustafson

The mob slowly made their way up the Mount of Olives. The smoke from the torches was making Malchus cough. Malchus knew their destination. He had gone there once to purchase some oil. 
As they entered the Garden, Flavius noticed some men sleeping on the ground. He pointed at some of his soldiers. " Arrest them".
" Whom do you seek?".
Flavius could not see beyond the light of the torches. " Jesus of Nazareth".
Jonathan pushed Judas Iscariot to the front. " Greet the one whom we are looking for".
Judas quietly walked up to Jesus. He kissed him on the cheek.
Jesus looked at the mob. " I am he".
All of a sudden, Malchus and the mob fell to the ground and stayed there.
" Whom do you seek?".
Flavius regained his senses. " Jesus of Nazareth".
" I am he".
Everyone stood back up.

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 12

 Malchus page 12 by ric gustafson

Malchus yawned as he sat on a cold marble step. People with torches were gathering by the gate. A young man was standing alone under the arch of the gate.
Jonathan, leading a group of temple police, walked up to the young man. Jonathan handed him a sack full of coins.
The young man smiled and tied the sack around his waist. 
Flavius Artemis, leading a group of soldiers, walked up to Jonathan. Then the two conversed with the young man.
Malchus noticed that the soldiers had small shields and standard battle swords.
Flavius Artemis raised an arm. " Let's go". They began to walk down a narrow street toward the Pool of Siloam. Leading the mob was Flavius Artemis and Jonathan. At the rear was Malchus.

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 11

 Malchus page 11 by ric gustafson

" There is a dangerous man in Jerusalem and people are flooding to him". He stared at Pilate. " We have witnesses who will testify against him".
" Really". Pilate sneered. " And what is the name of this instigator?".
" Jesus of Nazareth". He shuffled his feet. " He claims to be the King of the Jews".
" I know of this Jesus". He kept staring out the window. " He is no threat to Rome".
" I disagree Procurator".
" My reports show that he is a religious fanatic whose teachings are absurd". He pointed a finger at the High Priest. " I don't consider him dangerous".
" He attacked the Temple merchants" replied Caiaphas. " Someday he could attack you".
" Ok, I will arrest him on suspicion of treason". He walked away from the window. " But if there is no evidence against him, I will let him go".
Caiaphas looked at Jonathan. " Do you know where the rabble rouser is going to be?".
" Yes".
" Good, take Malchus with you".
" I will send my centurion Flavius Artemis and some soldiers to help".

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 5, 2021

sisters of Jesus page 1

 sisters of Jesus page 1 by ric gustafson

Pheodora stared at the roasted chicken and herbs. She frowned. Half the table was missing. Her oldest brother Jesus, her husband and her mother was missing. Her husband, a shepherd, was taking lambs to the Temple. That night, she and her four daughters stayed with her sister Damaris and her husband.
Damaris and Shimon lived in the elevated section of Nazareth. After the children of both families went to sleep, Damaris asked her sister about life in Bethlehem.
" How is your husband?".
" He's fine". Pheodora smiled. " He is always herding the animals to the Temple".
Damaris frowned. " Why would you marry a shepherd?".
" Chiram is a good husband". She tried to avoid talking about her husband's occupation.
The next morning, her brother Joses escorted Pheodora and the children back to Bethlehem.

research help: ' The Shepherd's Wife' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Malchus page 10

 Malchus page 10 by ric gustafson

Caiaphas, Jonathan and Malchus stopped at a gated archway. A Roman soldier was guarding in front of it. 
" State your business".
" I am Joseph Caiaphas the High Priest". He stared at the young soldier. " It is urgent that I speak to the Procurator".
" Stay here". He returned a short time later. " Follow me".
The soldier led the three to the northeast corner of the Antonia Fortress. After four dimly lit flights of stone stairs, the soldier knocked on a large arced door. The large room had windows on all sides. Staring out one of the windows was a short stocky man. " I hope this is important Caiaphas".
The Chief Priest nodded his head. " We are here because of a matter of great urgency".
" It must be". Pilate looked at Jonathan. " You brought your captain of the temple guards". Then Pilate noticed Malchus. " And who is this?".
" My slave Procurator".
" Your slave". Pilate smirked. " What is your urgent matter?".

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Malchus page 9

 Malchus page 9 by ric gustafson

Caiaphas smiled. " So tell us what his plans are?".
" After sundown, this carpenter will take his group to a secret place".
" So how will this young man help us?".
" His betrayer will meet us at 9:00 at the Beautiful Gate". His voice hesitated. " Then he will lead us to him".
Caiaphas grinned. " How much does he want?".
" Thirty pieces of silver".
" Thirty pieces". The Chief Priest scratched his chin. " That's enough to buy a house in Jerusalem".
" But well worth it".
" True". He pointed at Malchus. " I want you and Jonathan to come with me for some undone business".

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 8

 Malchus page 8 by ric gustafson

" We have a crisis at hand that must be dealt with". Caiaphas banged a fist on a nearby table. " This Jesus from Nazareth is calling himself a king".
Everyone stared at the High Priest.
" He must be stopped now". He looked around the room. " I want some suggestions".
" He's telling people that their sins are forgiven" replied Ahijah the temple physician. " Only God can forgive sins".
" Have you seen the company he keeps" shouted Jesse the treasurer. " Tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers all sinners".
" Gentlemen" replied a priest who stood up. " The fact is we have nothing to charge him with".
" If we let this man continue to do what he is doing". Caiaphas looked around the room. " He will destroy this nation and us".
A priest stood up. " So what do we do now?".
Just then, Jonathan walked in
" Gentlemen". He smiled. " Your problem is solved".

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Malchus page 7

 Malchus page 7 by ric gustafson

The nervous young man stared at Jonathan. " I know where he is going to be this evening". His voice hesitated. " For the right price I will take you to him".
" I figured it would come to that". He smirked. " How much?".
" Thirty pieces of silver".
" Thirty pieces". Jonathan laughed out loud. " You are crazy".
" That is my price".
" I could have you arrested in a minute".
" But you won't". He grinned. " You need me".
" I will agree to the price". Jonathan thought for a moment. " But you will have to take us to him".
" Agreed". The young man nervously looked around. " I will meet you at the Beautiful Gate at nine".
Jonathan nodded his head. " Agreed".
The young man quietly left.
Jonathan hurried off to the meeting.

research help: ' Malchus' by W. G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric