Monday, April 22, 2019

the road to Emmaus page 1

the road to Emmaus page 1 by ric gustafson

Flavius Artemis and some soldiers entered the house. A family was sitting on a carpet enjoying their midday meal.
Flavius aimed a sword at a man. " I seek Cleopas".
A man stood up. " I am he".
" On order of the Roman Govenor Pontius Pilate". He looked at him sternly. " I am investigating the disappearance of the carpenter from Galilee from his tomb".
Cleopas smiled. " He is alive".
Flavius gave a puzzled stare. " How do you know that?".
Tears came to Cleopas's eyes. " Centurion, I saw him with my own eyes".
Flavius pointed his sword at his chest. " Show me his body".
" Since the day my friend and I encountered him". His voice hesitated. " I have not seen him ".
" Tell me how many followers he has?".
Cleopas smiled. " There are many".
" Tell me about the day you encountered him on the road to Emmaus".

research help:  original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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