Wednesday, April 3, 2019

can you drink the cup?: the cup of sorrow

can you drink the cup?: the cup of sorrow by ric gustafson

We all have sorrow. Broken families, broken relationships and doubts cause us pain. All of our hearts are full of pain. My sorrows are mine and will not leave me.
Jesus is the man of sorrows. He hung on a cross for me. He was condemned, ridiculed and crucified. We are the people of sorrow. Jesus asks us the question. Jesus's cup was the sorrow of the whole human race. It is a cup of starvation, torture, rejection and anguish. It is a cup of bitterness. When it came to drink that cup, Jesus's soul was sorrowful. Jesus asked for the cup to pass by him. Jesus trusted his Father with the answer. God loves us more than anything else in this world.

research help: ' Can you drink the cup?' by Henri Nouwen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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