Friday, April 12, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 7

the miracle on Titanic page 7 by ric gustafson

Camille opened the door and smelled the stale cigar odor. She noticed her son sitting in a red leather chair smoking a cigar with an older gentleman.
" Mother". He stood up and smiled. " I'd like to introduce you to Colonel John J Astor".
He walked over and kissed her hand. " A pleasure to meet you". He smiled. " Are you related to the Sharpston Steel Corp?".
" Yes, my father started the company".
Colonel Astor's valet walked in and whispered in his ear. He excused himself.
" Let's go up on deck". She walked toward the door. " The ship will be sailing before too long".
They walked up to the Boat Deck. As they looked at the lifeboats, they heard laughter.
David noticed a young woman, with blond hair and wearing a red hat, walk by them. A male companion was with her. He noticed a bible in her left hand.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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