Thursday, March 24, 2016

Walking with Jesus: love thy neighbor

Walking with Jesus: love thy neighbor by ric Gustafson

In Matthew 22: 37-40, Jesus instructs us to love thy neighbor as yourself. The problem with that is that it does not come easy for us to do. Negative past emotions and experiences make it difficult to love and serve one's neighbor.
Jesus showed loving kindness to those who rejected him. He looked past their imperfections and saw potential instead. He accepted everyone as they were.
So how can we love thy neighbor?. First, we can pray for God's assistance and his help and encouragement. We can ask the Holy Spirit for patience. Second, we can make the first move but do it with discernment. Third, we can stay humble.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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