Thursday, March 24, 2016

the night the lights went out page 2

the night the lights went out page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jesse watched the first raindrops fall on the glass door. He smiled as a white Saturn drove into the driveway. Brad and Doris Mickell were usually the first to arrive. He opened the door.
Brad walked in carrying bibles and bible study guides. " Good evening Jesse" he said with a smile. He put the stuff on a blue sofa that was near the front stairs.
Jesse opened the door for Doris. " How is it out there?".
" There's a bad rain storm coming with high wind". She walked into the kitchen to get a cup of hot apple cider. " It looks like it could start any minute".
Jesse put his bible and study guide on a side table. " We will have to pray that everyone gets here before that starts".
Doris sat down on the blue sofa and took a sip of her cider. " Is everyone coming?".
Both Jesse and Brad got a cup of hot apple cider and sat down.
Jesse smiled. " As far as I know everyone is coming". He looked at Brad. " What do you think about our new church janitor?".
" I have not actually met him". He took a sip of his cider. " It sounds like he's doing a good job so far".
Jesse frowned as more rain fell on the glass door and the wind was picking up. He prayed silently that everyone would get there safely.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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