Sunday, March 27, 2016

the night the lights went out page 3

the night the lights went out page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jesse opened the door. Mary Franklin ran in carrying a large white tote bag and a Starbucks latte. " Thank goodness I just made it". She walked up the stairs and dropped her bag next to an open chair.
Jesse smiled as he walked into the kitchen to refill his cider mug. " I'm glad you are here safe".
" So who is left to come?" Mary asked as she pulled some pictures from her bag. " I brought some new pictures of Whiskers".
As he looked at pictures of Mary's new cat, he saw rain hitting the glass door more frequently. He looked up from the pictures. " We are still missing John, Doreen and Suzanne". He began to worry. " Suzanne said she will be here by 7:15".
The rain started to come down harder and faster.
Jesse smiled with relief as he noticed the truck of John and Doreen Smith pull into the driveway.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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