Monday, March 7, 2016

Revelation: Our Loyalty

Revelation: Our Loyalty by ric Gustafson

The Bible describes the love of God with two words. Those words are loyal and unconditional. The Greek word Agape is the word for unconditional love. The Hebrew word Hesed  is the word for God's loyal love. We enter into a covenant with God. He is loyal to us and in return we are loyal to him. People by nature are not loyal. God is looking for loyal friends.
The church in Philadelphia was loyal to God. They kept the Word of God and did not deny the name of Jesus. They paid a price for their loyalty and their loyalty was tested. Because the church was loyal, Jesus made numerous promises to them. He would protect them and grant them eternal life.
I pray that I will stay loyal to Jesus always.

The End

research help:  Turning Points March 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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