Sunday, March 20, 2016

Walking with Jesus: fasting

Walking with Jesus: fasting by ric Gustafson

During Lent, some people fast. Fasting is to give up something meaningful or something they love. Some people do this to focus more fully on Jesus. Self denial or fasting draws people closer to God.
To practice self denial or fasting, you need to choose your sacrifice carefully. Our sacrifice should mean something to us. Our sacrifice should have value to us. When we fast, we need to focus our attention on Jesus. When our Jesus focus drifts, we need to pray that we get back on the right path. We need to maintain an unaffected demeanor. Jesus does not want us to make a great deal out of it. We should not complain how hard the sacrifice is.
We need to focus on drawing nearer to God. God will do the same for us.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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