Saturday, March 26, 2016

Walking with Jesus: being a disciple

Walking with Jesus: being a disciple by ric Gustafson

If you were walking down the street, how could someone recognize you as a follower of Jesus?. Is it because of our actions or an attitude that would give us away?. If we were recognized as a follower of Jesus, how would we respond?.
So how can we act and be identified as one of Jesus's followers. First, we must be comfortable with our faith. We must know what we believe and why. Second, we must speak the truth in love according to Ephesians 4:15. Third, we need to establish a bond with those who are weary of Christians and show them kindness.
Jesus, help me to show your great love by speaking the truth in love.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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