Sunday, March 27, 2016

He is Risen: a cheerful giver

He is Risen: a cheerful giver by ric Gustafson

Jesus talked about a widow in Luke 21: 1-4. She put two very small copper coins  into the Temple treasury.
Why did Jesus mention this woman?. Financially, what she gave did not impact anything. Jesus used this as an example of someone who gave what she had. The fact is that God cares more about a giving spirit than the amount given.
So how can we be a cheerful giver?. First, we need to count our blessings. We need to be aware of our abundance. Second, we need to thank God for the chance to give to help God's plan for the world. Lastly, we need to find ways to stretch our gift of time, money, skills and energy.
Thank God that we can help others with what God has given to us.

research help: ' Walking with God' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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