Sunday, March 6, 2016

Revelation: Our Life

Revelation: Our Life by ric Gustafson

We live in a world of consumption and convenience. Can that culture hinder our love for Jesus?.
The church in Laodicea in Revelation 3: 14-22 was having that trouble. This church was comfortable and prosperous. Their passion for Jesus became lukewarm. This church was neither hot or cold.
What is the temperature of our personal faith?. So what can we do to be red hot for Jesus again?. First, we need to be zealous and repent. Second, we need to have a constant fellowship with Jesus. Third, we need to obey him on a day to day basis. Finally, we need to adjust ourselves all the time when we start to get lukewarm.
We need to pray to Jesus that we will never get lukewarm but on fire for Jesus.

research help: Turning Points March 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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