Sunday, March 13, 2016

Silas page 1

Silas page 1 by ric Gustafson

Barnabas looked at the crowd that had gathered on the wharf. " John Mark, who are all these people?".
The young man smiled. " I assume they had come from Antioch to see us off".
Just then, Saul joined them.
The three walked onto the freighter.
The Captain joined them. " Find a place on the cargo deck". He glanced at the sky. " Hopefully, it'll be about six hours to Cyprus".
After they came on board, slaves used poles to push the freighter from the pier.
As the ship began to move away from the man made port, the Antioch Christians roared their approval.
The freighter gathered speed as it sailed through the rock hewn channel.
John Mark asked a sailor. " How far is it from Seleucia to Cyprus?".
The sailor grinned. " Hopefully six hours".
Barnabas walked over. " The Captain says it will cost us five denarii". His voice hesitated. " Also we have to sleep with the cargo".
A sailor grinned at John Mark. " First voyage".
" Yes, we are followers of the Hebrew Messiah". He smiled. " We are on our way to Cyprus".

research help: ' The Silas Diary' by Gene Edwards

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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