Saturday, March 5, 2016

Revelation: Our Love

Revelation: Our Love by ric Gustafson

In Revelation 2:4, Jesus told the Ephesians that despite hard work, perseverance and purity they had lost the depth of love for him. So how does our love for Jesus drain away. Possibly we are not spending as much time with him as we were. Possibly other things have taken priority over studying God's Word. Maybe we tell Jesus we love him less than we use to.
So how do we rekindle our love with Jesus?. We need to repent the things that have taken our time away from Jesus. We need to renew our commitment to Jesus. We need to walk with him more and pray to him more. We need to remember Jesus's cross and that he died for us. We need to return to our first love. Our first love needs to be Jesus our Savior and best friend.

research help: Turning Points March 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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