Saturday, March 12, 2016

Easter savings at the no money no hassle supermarket page 2

Easter savings at the no money no hassle supermarket page 2 by ric Gustafson

" That's our policy" Jesus said with a smile as he handed a pamphlet to a customer. " Also you get a free gift as you leave".
" Thank you". Monica ran off to put as many groceries into her cart. After she had filled her cart, she brought it to a check out lane.
The clerk smiled as she rang the groceries, bagged them and then put them into the cart. She smiled at Monica. " Everything is paid for". She reached underneath the counter. She handed Monica a small red box with a red bow. " And here is your free gift".
Monica grinned and walked out the double door.
" Thanks for coming in".
Monica drove home and then put the groceries away. She put the small box on the kitchen table. When the groceries were all put away, she sat down and opened the box. Inside was a notecard. She looked at the card. It simply said ' the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ'.
Back at the store, Jesus smiled as he handed a pamphlet to a customer.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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