Thursday, March 31, 2016

followers of the Wolf: Albert Speer

followers of the Wolf: Albert Speer by ric Gustafson

Albert Speer was born on March 19 1905 in Mannheim Baden Germany. He was born into an upper middle class family. His father and grandfather were architects. Albert studied and then taught architects. He joined the Nazi party in 1931. He designed the 1933 May Day commemoration and the 1933 Nuremberg Rally. He became the Party's chief architect in 1934. Because of Speer, a new Reich Chancellery was built in 1938. In 1942, Speer became the Minister of Armaments.
At the end of the war, he was arrested by the Allies and tried at the Nuremberg War Trials. He was sentenced to twenty years in prison. During that time, he wrote his memoirs.
Albert Speer died on September 1 1981 in London England.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: Matthew

Meet the Apostles: Matthew by ric Gustafson

Matthew was a tax collector. He took money from his fellow Jews and gave it to their enemies. Tax collectors were notorious for overcharging  and pocketing the extra money.
One day, Jesus spotted him sitting at his tax booth.  Jesus simply told him " come follow me". Matthew stood up and left everything and followed Jesus. Matthew invited Jesus and his friends to eat with his friends and co workers.
Praise God for Matthew who left everything and followed Jesus.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the night the lights went out page 6

the night the lights went out page 6 by ric Gustafson

Else ran out from the bedroom. " Jesse, what happened?".
Jesse stood up. " Don't panic". He handed his study guide to Brad. " Brad, can you continue the bible study?".  He handed him some matches and candles. " Else and I are going to check the fuse box". He found a flashlight in the kitchen and they slowly walked down some creaky steps to the basement. They walked into the small laundry area. He opened up the rusty fuse box.
He pushed a switch and nothing happened. " The power line in the back yard must be down".
She pointed the flashlight at him. " You have a card for OPPD in your wallet". She closed the fuse box. " Find that card and give them a call".
Jesse reached into his back pocket. " Oh no!". He felt nothing in his pocket. " My wallet is missing".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

He is Risen: connecting with God's Word

He is Risen: connecting with God's Word by ric Gustafson

According to Psalm 119: 105- 112, God's Word is a lamp for my feet a light on my path. Staying on the right path is difficult. There are diversions, temptations and frustrations that try to keep us off that path. Because of this, sometimes believers lose sight of God's Word.
So what do we need to do to stay connected with God's Word. First, we need to create a reading plan so we know where to start in the bible. Second, we need to establish a routine for studying God's Word and stick to it. Third, some people use a journal to record their thoughts on what they are studying. Lastly, some people will take a passage and memorize it.
Praise God that we can study God's Word.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

the night the lights went out page 5

the night the lights went out page 5 by ric Gustafson

Jesse walked down the stairs. He opened the front door to reveal a very wet and cold Suzanne.
" I made it". She took off her coat and handed it to Jesse. " Not only is it raining hard but it's really windy too". She put her bible study tote bag by the last open chair. She went into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of hot apple cider. She came out and sat down.
Everybody took out their study books.
Jesse smiled. " Tonight we will starting with Chapter Five question 1". As they prayed, Jesse noticed that the lamp on the side table began to flicker as the storm raged outside.
" Doris, can you take question 1?".
She smiled as she noticed rain pelting the living room window. " Sure".
Just then, all the lights in the house went dark.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

He is Risen: bearing fruit

He is Risen: bearing fruit by ric Gustafson

Bearing fruit is the core of the Christian life. John 15:5 Jesus says I am the vine you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you will bear much fruit. Jesus does not want us just to look the part and act like a believer. Jesus wants us to bear fruit for his Kingdom.
So how do we bear fruit for Jesus?. First, we need spiritual role models in our life. Jesus wants us to use our unique gifts and talents. Second, Jesus wants us to start making a difference in somebody's life. Lastly, we should not bask in praise given to us but give the credit to Jesus our Lord.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

He is Risen: speak up for Jesus

He is Risen: speak up for Jesus by ric Gustafson

In Matthew 27:22, Pilate asked " what shall I do then with Jesus who is called the Messiah?. People are still asking that question two thousand years later.
So how do we help people discover Jesus. First, we need to share our own experience with Jesus with others. Second, we need to point people to the Bible to discover Jesus. Third, we know that there will be opposition to our speaking up for Jesus. Lastly, we need to follow up on our conversations with others to help them with their thoughts about Jesus.
Praise God that we can tell others about Jesus.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 28, 2016

the night the lights went out page 4

the night the lights went out page 4 by ric Gustafson

Jesse opened the door. " I'm glad you're here".
" We almost turned around and went back home" Doreen Smith replied as she took off her rain soaked coat.
Jesse took the coat downstairs to dry off.
John Smith took off his coat and walked upstairs into the kitchen. " The rain was coming down so hard we could barely see through the windshield".
Jesse smiled as he walked back upstairs. " You are here that is the main thing".
Doreen put her bible study tote bag next to her friend.
" Sit here" Mary exclaimed with a grin. " I have some new pictures of Whiskers". She began to show her the pictures.
Jesse noticed the time. " It's 7:15". His voice hesitated. " Let's begin".
Just then, the doorbell rang.
Jesse prayed that it was Suzanne.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

He is Risen: I forgive you

He is Risen: I forgive you by ric Gustafson

One valuable gift from God is genuine forgiveness. Jesus used genuine forgiveness all the time in his ministry. Luke 23: 34 says that Jesus proclaimed on the cross " Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing". Forgiveness is an act of will and an act of love. Genuine forgiveness is undeserved.
So how do we give genuine forgiveness?. First, we need to acknowledge our feelings. Second, we need to think how God has forgiven us. Third, we need to restore the relationship if possible. Lastly, we need to let it go.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 27, 2016

the night the lights went out page 3

the night the lights went out page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jesse opened the door. Mary Franklin ran in carrying a large white tote bag and a Starbucks latte. " Thank goodness I just made it". She walked up the stairs and dropped her bag next to an open chair.
Jesse smiled as he walked into the kitchen to refill his cider mug. " I'm glad you are here safe".
" So who is left to come?" Mary asked as she pulled some pictures from her bag. " I brought some new pictures of Whiskers".
As he looked at pictures of Mary's new cat, he saw rain hitting the glass door more frequently. He looked up from the pictures. " We are still missing John, Doreen and Suzanne". He began to worry. " Suzanne said she will be here by 7:15".
The rain started to come down harder and faster.
Jesse smiled with relief as he noticed the truck of John and Doreen Smith pull into the driveway.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

He is Risen: a cheerful giver

He is Risen: a cheerful giver by ric Gustafson

Jesus talked about a widow in Luke 21: 1-4. She put two very small copper coins  into the Temple treasury.
Why did Jesus mention this woman?. Financially, what she gave did not impact anything. Jesus used this as an example of someone who gave what she had. The fact is that God cares more about a giving spirit than the amount given.
So how can we be a cheerful giver?. First, we need to count our blessings. We need to be aware of our abundance. Second, we need to thank God for the chance to give to help God's plan for the world. Lastly, we need to find ways to stretch our gift of time, money, skills and energy.
Thank God that we can help others with what God has given to us.

research help: ' Walking with God' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 26, 2016

the Great Oz page 22

the Great Oz page 22 by ric Gustafson

Glinda paced around the room. Oscar was relaxing in a chair. " We need you to think like a great leader". She grinned. " If there is any hope of defeating Evanora".
" You have a plan".
" Yes, I have a plan". She kept pacing nervously. " You are going to lead us into battle".
Oscar stared at Glinda. " With what army?".
" You'll have the Quadlings and the Tinkers". Her voice hesitated. " And the Munchkins".
" What are Munchkins?".
She pointed toward rows of little people.
" You expect me to lead an army of little people".
She smiled. " Oh, there's one more thing".
" I'm not sure I want to hear it".
She pointed at the Munchkins. " The good people of Oz are forbidden to kill".
Oscar frowned. " You expect me to lead an army that cannot kill".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking with Jesus: being a disciple

Walking with Jesus: being a disciple by ric Gustafson

If you were walking down the street, how could someone recognize you as a follower of Jesus?. Is it because of our actions or an attitude that would give us away?. If we were recognized as a follower of Jesus, how would we respond?.
So how can we act and be identified as one of Jesus's followers. First, we must be comfortable with our faith. We must know what we believe and why. Second, we must speak the truth in love according to Ephesians 4:15. Third, we need to establish a bond with those who are weary of Christians and show them kindness.
Jesus, help me to show your great love by speaking the truth in love.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hindenburg 2016 page 5

Hindenburg 2016 page 5 by ric Gustafson

On March 4 1936, LZ 129 came out of it's Friedrichshafen building shed. At 803.8 feet in length and 135.1 feet in diameter, the Hindenburg was the largest aircraft that had ever flown. It was designed for helium use but was using hydrogen. The Helium Control Act of 1927 prohibited the export of the gas. The United States had a monopoly on helium gas. So hydrogen was powering it's sixteen gas cells. Gutters similar to the Graf Zeppelin were installed to collect rainwater for ballast. One new feature was a gelatin solution that was being used to line the gas bags.
What made the Hindenburg different from all other previous dirigibles was it's passenger accommodations. On two decks inside the hull, fifty people could live in ease. There were twenty five two berth passenger cabins that occupied the center of A deck. What separated the Hindenburg from other airships, were the spacious public rooms. Along both sides of A deck was a spacious promenade which gave a panoramic view of below. Along the promenade was an attractive dining room. The tables were draped in white napery. There was silver and china made especially for the Hindenburg. There was a starboard size lounge where passengers could relax with a drink. Next door was a spacious reading and writing room. On B deck below was a smoking room. An air lock door kept hydrogen from entering. B deck included a lavatory, kitchen, officer and crew quarters and a shower. This was a ship of dreams.

research help: ' Hindenburg an illustrated history' by Rick Archbold

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking with Jesus: love thy neighbor

Walking with Jesus: love thy neighbor by ric Gustafson

In Matthew 22: 37-40, Jesus instructs us to love thy neighbor as yourself. The problem with that is that it does not come easy for us to do. Negative past emotions and experiences make it difficult to love and serve one's neighbor.
Jesus showed loving kindness to those who rejected him. He looked past their imperfections and saw potential instead. He accepted everyone as they were.
So how can we love thy neighbor?. First, we can pray for God's assistance and his help and encouragement. We can ask the Holy Spirit for patience. Second, we can make the first move but do it with discernment. Third, we can stay humble.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the night the lights went out page 2

the night the lights went out page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jesse watched the first raindrops fall on the glass door. He smiled as a white Saturn drove into the driveway. Brad and Doris Mickell were usually the first to arrive. He opened the door.
Brad walked in carrying bibles and bible study guides. " Good evening Jesse" he said with a smile. He put the stuff on a blue sofa that was near the front stairs.
Jesse opened the door for Doris. " How is it out there?".
" There's a bad rain storm coming with high wind". She walked into the kitchen to get a cup of hot apple cider. " It looks like it could start any minute".
Jesse put his bible and study guide on a side table. " We will have to pray that everyone gets here before that starts".
Doris sat down on the blue sofa and took a sip of her cider. " Is everyone coming?".
Both Jesse and Brad got a cup of hot apple cider and sat down.
Jesse smiled. " As far as I know everyone is coming". He looked at Brad. " What do you think about our new church janitor?".
" I have not actually met him". He took a sip of his cider. " It sounds like he's doing a good job so far".
Jesse frowned as more rain fell on the glass door and the wind was picking up. He prayed silently that everyone would get there safely.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

the night the lights went out page 1

the night the lights went out page 1 by ric Gustafson

Jesse Hudson stood outside near the porch railing. He looked toward the west. On his cell phone, he saw that the Weather Service had just issued a severe thunderstorm watch for the next several hours. He was concerned because their bible study was scheduled for tonight at their house. He was worried about the safety of their church friends who were coming.
" Jesse" yelled Else Hudson from their kitchen. He heard frantic pot and pan noise. " What do I need to fix for your church friends?".
He noticed lightning off to the west. He came back into the house. " Everyone is eating before they come". He walked into the kitchen and gave her a peck on the cheek. " Just pop and hot apple cider will be fine".
She put three two liters of pop and plastic cups on a small wooden kitchen table. " Are you sure that's all you need?".
" I'm sure". He began to straighten up the living room. " Are you sure you don't want to join us tonight?".
" No!". She turned on the coffee pot and began to stir the apple cider. " I will be in the den watching my favorite shows".
Jesse sat down in his easy chair and opened his bible to the book of Luke. The group had started studying that Gospel. He prayed that his church friends would arrive safely.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Pitchman page 3

the Pitchman page 3 by ric Gustafson

Billy heard the familiar bell which was his cue. " Ladies and Gentlemen, have you woken up on Easter Sunday and thought to yourself some Easter toast and coffee would be good". He stared at the camera. " Yet your toast came out warm at best".
" Well my friends, your waiting for hot Easter toast is over". Just then, he heard the studio door open and close. He put a large black toaster on top of the table. " With the ultimate toaster from Misco, you can have perfect toast for Easter and every morning every time".
He looked up to see a young dark bearded man looking into the camera. " I am the Bread of Life".
" Hey" Billy replied with anger in his voice. " I'm trying to do a show here".
Jesus stretched out his nail scarred hands. " Come to me all who are hungry".
Billy began to yell. " Will somebody get him out of here?".
Simon came out of his office. " Sorry Billy, the phones are going crazy about this Bread of Life guy".
Billy in a rage left the studio.
Jesus smiled. " Come to me all who are hungry".
The phones kept ringing.
" I am the Bread of Life".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking with Jesus: a servant's heart

Walking with Jesus: a servant's heart by ric Gustafson

During the Last Supper, Jesus washed the disciple's feet. By doing this, he was showing them to find ways to serve others. Jesus wants to teach us how to acquire the right attitude and motivation. Jesus wants us to put others first no matter what.
How do we acquire a servant's heart?. First, we need to volunteer for a job no one else wants. Second, we need to deflect glory and have a mindset of humiliation. Jesus wants us to serve quietly and without fanfare. Third, Jesus wants us to pay it forward and keep the gift going.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Walking with Jesus: to be a servant

Walking with Jesus: to be a servant by ric Gustafson

Even when he was dying on a cross, Jesus was thinking about the needs of others. He asked John to take care of his mother. John became a servant and agreed to do that.
To be a servant for Jesus, we need to be honest, kind and compassionate. To be a servant, we need to be in the right place at the right time. We need to be available at all times. To be a servant, we need to act outside of our comfort zone.
Like Jesus, we need to be a servant and serve others instead of ourselves.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 21

the Great Oz page 21 by ric Gustafson

Evanora handed her sister an apple. " One bite". She grinned. " And you and I will share the throne".
Theodora smiled. She took the apple and took a big bite.
Just then, pain ripped through her body. It convulsed. The potion inside the apple began to rip through her veins. She clutched her chest. In pain, she stared at her sister. " You are the wicked one". Pain rushed over her. " What's happening to me?".
" It is just your heart". Evanora gave her sister an evil grin. " Soon you will feel nothing at all". She chuckled. " Except wickedness". She pointed at a nearby mirror. " Take a look at yourself now".
Theodora walked over to the mirror. She gazed into it. She frowned. Her nose was now hooked. Her chin was now long and pointy. Her skin was now completely green.
Evanora grinned. " My sister, you are now the Wicked Witch of the West".
Theodora looked again into the mirror. She began to cackle at what she saw.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 21, 2016

Walking with Jesus: using our gifts

Walking with Jesus: using our gifts by ric Gustafson

God has given us skills, knowledge and experience that no one else has. If you do not know what your God given gifts are, there are things you can do. First, you can ask the people you know best what your skills and abilities are. You can ask a Pastor or Church Leader where your newly found gifts can be used the most for the church. God wants our spiritual gifts to serve others. God wants us to encourage others to use their gifts for God's Kingdom.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Walking with Jesus: fasting

Walking with Jesus: fasting by ric Gustafson

During Lent, some people fast. Fasting is to give up something meaningful or something they love. Some people do this to focus more fully on Jesus. Self denial or fasting draws people closer to God.
To practice self denial or fasting, you need to choose your sacrifice carefully. Our sacrifice should mean something to us. Our sacrifice should have value to us. When we fast, we need to focus our attention on Jesus. When our Jesus focus drifts, we need to pray that we get back on the right path. We need to maintain an unaffected demeanor. Jesus does not want us to make a great deal out of it. We should not complain how hard the sacrifice is.
We need to focus on drawing nearer to God. God will do the same for us.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Walking with Jesus: the Holy Spirit

Walking with Jesus: the Holy Spirit by ric Gustafson

Based on John 14: 16, Jesus told his disciples that an advocate and counselor was coming. His followers were trying to come to grips that he would be leaving them. This promise was kept several weeks later at Pentecost. This event changed their lives forever.
God does not want us to forget the Holy Spirit. God wants us to study Scripture involving the Holy Spirit. God wants us to consider the Holy Spirit's role in our life. The Holy Spirit is our spiritual conscience, our advocate and our friend. Lastly, God wants us to pray and give Thanksgiving to the Holy Spirit.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 18, 2016

Walking with Jesus: 360 minutes

Walking with Jesus: 360 minutes by ric Gustafson

Jesus's ordeal on the cross lasted six hours or 360 minutes. For six hours, the fate of humanity rested on the bloody shoulders of Jesus. Jesus fulfilled his destiny.
Jesus did not deserve the fate that awaited him. Jesus was innocent and did not deserve to die. Jesus was righteous in his Father's eyes and he was the only one who could pay the price for our sins. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice.
For six hours, Jesus carried our sins past present and future on his bloody shoulders. In six hours, Jesus overturned sin and death.
Thank you Jesus for what you did for me on Good Friday. Thank you for eternal life with you.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Madman of Gadara page 2

the Madman of Gadara page 2 by ric Gustafson

This day I will remember for a long time. The other followers of the Teacher along with myself were listening to one of his stories. He was talking about some seeds sprouting and growing. As with most of his stories, we asked him to explain it to us.
Later that day, the Teacher brought us together. " Let us go across to the other side of the Sea".
We got into a small boat. The Teacher looked very tired. He walked to the back of the boat. He laid his head on a cushion and went to sleep.
As we started to go across, the weather was fine. As we kept rowing, the sky got darker and darker. The waves got choppier. Then it started to storm. Waves began to come over the side of the boat. We all began to panic. I thought we were going to die.
I ran to the back of the boat. I woke up the Teacher. " Teacher, we are all going to drown".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Silas page 2

Silas page 2 by ric Gustafson

" Barnabas, do you know what kind of reception we will get?" Saul asked as he leaned against a bag of grain.
" Probably a cool one" was his reply. " Some are still not sure that you are a true believer".
Saul shut his eyes. " I am ready".
Later, John Mark opened his eyes. " I'm hungry".
Barnabas glanced at their food supply. " One of our two bags is already about empty".
John Mark grinned. " I gave some of it to the sailors and passengers".
Later, the Captain steered the freighter south of the Island.
Barnabas smiled. " This is my home land". He pointed. " There is the Island's eastern peninsula". He pointed again. " That is the Olympus Mountains". He smiled again. " In an hour, we will be docking at Salamis".

research help: ' The Silas Diary' by Gene Edwards

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Madman of Gadara page 1

The Madman of Gadara page 1 by ric Gustafson

Isa stared over the cliff where the swine had gone over and died in the Sea below. Memories of a happier time began to flood his thoughts. He shook his head in amazement, had it been seven years since he left her. He remembered trees in an orchard and warm apricots. Tears came down his face as he remembered Martha. She wanted him to talk to her father Zerubabbel and that he would marry her. He refused and left her. It was the worst mistake he had ever done.
He came to the tombs and then the demons entered him. If it wasn't for the man and his followers coming ashore that one day, how would his life had turned out?.
Memories of that miracle day came back into his thoughts.

research help: ' The Tomb' by Stephanie Landsem

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hindenburg 2016 page 4

Hindenburg 2016 page 4 by ric Gustafson

It was September 18 1928, and LZ 127 was being walked of it's hanger in Friedrichshafen. It was time for the first test flight for the largest airship ever built. Because of Count Zeppelin's 90th birthday, the airship was named Graf Zeppelin. That same year, the airship flew to New York. It was her seventh flight with twenty passengers on board. The giant airship was at 775 feet and had a new bridge area. A large gondola connected with passenger spaces. The airship could cruise at 73 miles per hour and reach a top speed of 80 miles per hour. It had a small dining area but doubled as a passenger lounge. There were ten two passenger cabins along a central corridor.
Captain Hugo Eckener was feeling pressure. As the airship passed south of the Azores, a huge storm came up. With the help of the wheelman, the airship came through it all right. The only major trouble was that some cotton fabric from the port stabilizer had torn away. As the airship kept flying, volunteers went onto the fin and repaired the fabric.
The airship reached Cape Charles Maryland and then flew long the Chesapeake Bay. It flew over Baltimore and Washington. It flew over the White House and then to Lakehurst. The airship made two trips around the world.
In the autumn of 1931, the ship of dreams began to take shape.

research help: ' Hindenburg an illustrated history' by Rick Archbold

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the road to Emmaus page 4

the road to Emmaus page 4 by ric Gustafson

As they walked, Cleopas and his friend listened as the stranger explained many things. Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he told them things concerning himself in all the Scriptures.
The stranger noticed that they were approaching the village." I'm traveling farther down the road".
Cleopas's friend spoke up. " Stay with us for it is getting toward evening". His voice hesitated. " The day is now nearly over".
The stranger agreed. He entered their house. They reclined at a table. The stranger took bread, blessed it and then broke it. He handed them pieces of the bread.
Cleopas's eyes and the eyes of his friend were opened. At that moment, they recognized the stranger as Jesus.
Just as suddenly, Jesus vanished from their sight.
Cleopas and his friend returned to Jerusalem. They told the others that they had seen the Lord.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Humility

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Humility by ric Gustafson

Jesus did not bask in the glory of his work. He wants us his followers to shun the limelight as we do his work. Philippians 2: 3-8 says rather in humility value others above yourselves.
In human form, God had no reason to be humble. Yet, he embraced humility. We as Jesus's followers should follow that same standard.
We need to be humble like Jesus at all times and in all places.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Service

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Service by ric Gustafson

According to John 13: 12-17, Jesus on the night that he was going to be betrayed filled a basin with water. Then he draped himself with a towel and began to wash his disciples feet. Peter complained. " You shall never wash my feet. When he had finished, he asked them if they understood what he had just done for them. He said that we should go and wash one another's feet.
In Mark 10: 43-45, Jesus said whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant. Jesus came to earth to serve. As Jesus's followers, we need to serve others.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 14, 2016

the Great Oz page 20

the Great Oz page 20 by ric Gustafson

Oscar turned toward Glinda. " There's something I need to tell you". He gave her a serious stare. " I may not exactly be a Wizard".
She smiled back. " I know".
" You knew".
" I knew right away that you were weak, selfish and a liar". " These are desperate times". She gave him a worried look. " Can you make them believe?".
Oscar turned toward the crowd. " Good people of Oz". He glanced at Glinda. " Will I still get the gold?".
She nodded yes.
" Your Wizard is here".
Evanora and Theodora watched the events through the crystal ball.
Theodora sighed. " Do you think she'll be his Queen?".
Evanora kept staring through the crystal ball. " Of course". She turned toward her sister. " Come, I need your help".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Boldness

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Boldness by ric Gustafson

The Pharisees and Sadducees occupied an important place in first century Jewish life. They were highly regarded as experts in Jewish law. Jesus knew that challenging them was a risk. But he did what he had to do.
In Luke 11: 37-54, Jesus has an encounter between himself and the religious leaders. Jesus gave an indictment of greed, egotism, hypocrisy and misplaced priorities. Because of these encounters, the religious authorities began to conspire against Jesus. They came up with a plan to get rid of this Rabbi from Galilee.
We as Jesus's followers should boldly, fearlessly and prayerfully speak out in Jesus's power.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Silas page 1

Silas page 1 by ric Gustafson

Barnabas looked at the crowd that had gathered on the wharf. " John Mark, who are all these people?".
The young man smiled. " I assume they had come from Antioch to see us off".
Just then, Saul joined them.
The three walked onto the freighter.
The Captain joined them. " Find a place on the cargo deck". He glanced at the sky. " Hopefully, it'll be about six hours to Cyprus".
After they came on board, slaves used poles to push the freighter from the pier.
As the ship began to move away from the man made port, the Antioch Christians roared their approval.
The freighter gathered speed as it sailed through the rock hewn channel.
John Mark asked a sailor. " How far is it from Seleucia to Cyprus?".
The sailor grinned. " Hopefully six hours".
Barnabas walked over. " The Captain says it will cost us five denarii". His voice hesitated. " Also we have to sleep with the cargo".
A sailor grinned at John Mark. " First voyage".
" Yes, we are followers of the Hebrew Messiah". He smiled. " We are on our way to Cyprus".

research help: ' The Silas Diary' by Gene Edwards

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 12, 2016

the Great Oz page 19

the Great Oz page 19 by ric Gustafson

Then out of the fog, translucent bubbles carrying them rose out.
To Oscar, it felt like they were in their own hot air balloon.
Soon, they were floating toward a translucent wall. It stretched as far as the eye could see.
Oscar cried. " We're going to hit it".
" No we won't Wizard". Glinda grinned. " It is a magic wall".
The bubbles approached a castle on top of a hill.
Oscar noticed hundreds of people were standing outside. " What are all those people doing?".
" Waiting for you Wizard". Glinda waved to those below. " They have waited a long time for you".
The bubbles floated to the ground. When they hit the ground, they dissolved.
Oscar stood up.
" All hail Oz".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter savings at the no money no hassle supermarket page 2

Easter savings at the no money no hassle supermarket page 2 by ric Gustafson

" That's our policy" Jesus said with a smile as he handed a pamphlet to a customer. " Also you get a free gift as you leave".
" Thank you". Monica ran off to put as many groceries into her cart. After she had filled her cart, she brought it to a check out lane.
The clerk smiled as she rang the groceries, bagged them and then put them into the cart. She smiled at Monica. " Everything is paid for". She reached underneath the counter. She handed Monica a small red box with a red bow. " And here is your free gift".
Monica grinned and walked out the double door.
" Thanks for coming in".
Monica drove home and then put the groceries away. She put the small box on the kitchen table. When the groceries were all put away, she sat down and opened the box. Inside was a notecard. She looked at the card. It simply said ' the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ'.
Back at the store, Jesus smiled as he handed a pamphlet to a customer.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 11, 2016

Easter savings at the no money no hassle supermarket page 1

Easter savings at the no money no hassle supermarket page 1 by ric Gustafson

Monica Dassner opened up the local newspaper. As she turned to page 7, she noticed a strange ad. The ad was a brand new supermarket that was opening in her neighborhood. She noticed the huge Easter meal ad. Something else caught her eye. It was the name of the supermarket. It said' The No Money No Hassle Supermarket'.
She cut out the ad and decided that she would check it out. She did need some groceries.
That following Saturday, she drove into the parking lot. She was amazed at how crowded the store was. She got out and walked through the revolving front door. She found a shopping cart and then began walking through the aisles. In one aisle, she was stopped by a man wearing white. He was handing out pamphlets.
The man in white handed Monica a pamphlet. " Do you have any questions about our store?".
Monica stared at the pamphlet. She gave the man a strange look. " You don't charge anything for groceries".
Jesus smiled. " That's right".
She gave him a puzzled stare. " And you don't hassle at all".
Jesus smiled again. " That's right".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Great Oz page 18

The Great Oz page 18 by ric Gustafson

Finley and China Girl began to run.
As the baboons closed in, Glinda waved a wand. Thick fog began to envelop the graveyard.
Oscar could not see a thing. " Hopefully we lost them".
They began to run. After a while, they stopped at the edge of a cliff.
Just then, winged baboons came through the fog toward them.
Oscar turned toward the Good Witch. " Now, what do we do?".
She smiled. " Jump". She turned and jumped off into the fog.
Then, Finley and China Girl jumped.
Oscar noticed that the baboons were approaching. He had no other choice.
He jumped.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Compassion

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Compassion by ric Gustafson

Why did crowds flock to Jesus?. It is because they could sense that he had concern for them. Jesus had compassion and noticed that people were hurting. People who were afflicted were often shunned by others. Jesus knew they were hurting and helped them. Jesus empathized with people. He wept when he heard about Lazarus. He felt people's pain and put himself in their place. Jesus intervened when others would not.
If Jesus can help others and not abandon them, we can too.
Praise God.

research help: ' Walking With Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Perfection

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Perfection by ric Gustafson

Jesus was on this earth for thirty three years. He did not sin and did no wrongs against others. Everything that he did, he honored his father. Satan tried to get Jesus to sin but could not. Jesus had to be perfect because a sacrifice for sin's punishment had to be made. Jesus had to be sinless in order to pay the ultimate price for our sins.
Jesus recognized temptation and did not give in. He is ready to help us with temptations. He will give us wisdom and strength when we need it. Praise God.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hindenburg 2016 page 3

Hindenburg 2016 page 3 by ric Gustafson

In 1886, Gottlieb Daimler perfected the first gasoline engine. This new technology made airship travel more of a reality. Inventors in both France and Germany tried to be the first to build a practical airship. Count Zeppelin worked hard on developing a framework strong enough to support a cover and light enough crew, weapons and cargo.
In 1898, Zeppelin and aluminum maker Carl Berg started their own airship construction company. They began putting up aluminum girders  for their first airship. It was to be called LZ 1. In July 1901, The LZ1 rose up from the water of Lake Constance. Zeppelin was impressed but not the German military.
In November of 1905, LZ2 was ready to launch. A tow rope broke so the flight had to be aborted. In January of 1906, the cooling system failed and the airship went dead. In October of 1906, LZ 3 took flight. In August of 1908, the LZ4 took to the air. The following month, the Zeppelin Company was born. In June of 1910, LZ7 nicknamed the Deutschland was caught in a major thunderstorm and plummeted to the ground. In May of 1911, LZ8 nicknamed the Deutschland 2. In the summer of 1911, the LZ10 nicknamed the Schwaben made a least one hundred flights without incidents.

research help: ' Hindenburg an illustrated history' by Rick Archbold

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Love and Sacrifice

Walking with Jesus: Jesus's Love and Sacrifice by ric Gustafson

Jesus is the Son of God. He is the one who spoke the universe into existence. Jesus had all the attributes of God. His presence, power and knowledge are limitless.
Jesus came to earth as a human being. He left heaven to be rejected, ridiculed and betrayed. He experienced pain, sickness, exhaustion, humiliation and death. He taught, healed, comforted and challenged people.
Not only sacrifice but Jesus is love. Before he died on a cross, he healed and gave love every day.
That is Jesus, love and sacrifice to all.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

the Great Oz page 17

the Great Oz page 17 by ric Gustafson

Evanora in a rage opened a balcony door. She threw up her arms. " Now fly".
At the graveyard, Glinda showed them a large statue. " When my father died". Her voice hesitated. " We lost a noble King". A tear came down her face. " I've tried to protect the good people of Oz by myself". She stared at Oscar. " I've been waiting for you Wizard".
Oscar grinned.
" To make things right".
Just then, Oscar heard a noise. " What was that?".
Glinda pointed up at the sky. " Evanora knows we are here".
" How do you know that?".
She gave him a scared look. " Her baboons and Winkie Guards are coming".
Oscar cried out. " What do we do know?".
Glinda grinned. " Use your magic".
Oscar looked around. " I think we should run".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking with Jesus: Jesus the King

Walking with Jesus: Jesus the King by ric Gustafson

Jesus caused quite a stir on Palm Sunday. According to Matthew 21: 8-9, some of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him. Others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Jesus had instructed his followers to find a donkey and her colt for him to ride on. This had special meaning because of Old Testament prophecy Zechariah 9:9.
Was Jesus coming as a King?.  Jesus was the Messiah, the long promised King. But Jesus's Kingdom was not what people expected. Jesus's Kingdom was spiritual not political. He did not wage war on enemies. He taught love instead of fighting.  Five days after his arrival, Jesus was crucified. But death did not stop Jesus. According to Matthew 13: 1-23, his Kingdom grew in the hearts of everyone who follows him.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 7, 2016

Hindenburg 2016 page 2

Hindenburg 2016 page 2 by ric Gustafson

By March 1874, Count Zeppelin had developed a vision for an airship. His concept was a dirigible that had a rigid framework and multiple gas cells. His concept was to make a craft large enough for passengers and cargo. A ship of great size and a greater volume of lifting gas was part of his concept.
Zeppelin envisioned a ship of at least 700,000 cubic feet, cabins for at least twenty passengers and cargo and mail holds under the hull.  What was missing from his concept was an adequate internal combustion engine.
In 1884, Germany built an airship named La France. Captain Charles Renard and Captain Arthur Krebs designed it and it was financed by the French government. Her top speed was only fourteen miles per hour and her heavy batteries had a short life. The following year, Zeppelin asked King Wilhelm of Wurttemburg to start a program of airship development  for military purposes. This program was denied but Zeppelin was not deterred from his dream.

research help: ' Hindenburg an illustrated history' by Rick Archbold

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 16

the Great Oz page 16 by ric Gustafson

Oscar thought for a moment. " Yes, I am the Wizard".
She walked toward him. " I am Glinda the Good". She smiled. " The Witch of the South".
Oscar gave her a confused stare. " I thought Evanora was the good witch".
China Girl began to cry. " Then she is the one who destroyed my village".
" Yes, that's true". Her voice hesitated. " Evanora is the true Wicked Witch".

Later that day

Evanora stared into a large crystal ball. She watched as Oscar and Glinda met. " Curse that Glinda".
Theodora ran into the room. " Sister, the Wizard is missing". She stared at her sister. " Have you seen him?".
" Yes". Evanora stared into the crystal ball. " With Glinda".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Revelation: Our Loyalty

Revelation: Our Loyalty by ric Gustafson

The Bible describes the love of God with two words. Those words are loyal and unconditional. The Greek word Agape is the word for unconditional love. The Hebrew word Hesed  is the word for God's loyal love. We enter into a covenant with God. He is loyal to us and in return we are loyal to him. People by nature are not loyal. God is looking for loyal friends.
The church in Philadelphia was loyal to God. They kept the Word of God and did not deny the name of Jesus. They paid a price for their loyalty and their loyalty was tested. Because the church was loyal, Jesus made numerous promises to them. He would protect them and grant them eternal life.
I pray that I will stay loyal to Jesus always.

The End

research help:  Turning Points March 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hindenburg 2016 page 1

Hindenburg 2016 page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was August 19 1863. A young German aristocrat named Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin was observing the Union army. He was observing a tethered balloon  as it was being used in battle. Long before Zeppelin's observance, aerial pioneers had tried to solve the problem of dirigibility. This problem was how to build a steerable aircraft. In 1783, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier sent the first hot air balloon into the sky near Lyons France. One challenge for dirigible designers was the problem of pressure height.  A French physicist named Jacques Charles built the first hydrogen balloon. In 1852, Henri Giffard developed a steam engine that weighed only 250 pounds. In September of that year, Giffard tried to fly a 144 foot balloon. It failed because lifting power was needed. An internal combustion engine needed to be developed not only for airships but also for the airplane.

research help: ' Hindenburg an illustrated history' by Rick Archbold

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Revelation: Our Life

Revelation: Our Life by ric Gustafson

We live in a world of consumption and convenience. Can that culture hinder our love for Jesus?.
The church in Laodicea in Revelation 3: 14-22 was having that trouble. This church was comfortable and prosperous. Their passion for Jesus became lukewarm. This church was neither hot or cold.
What is the temperature of our personal faith?. So what can we do to be red hot for Jesus again?. First, we need to be zealous and repent. Second, we need to have a constant fellowship with Jesus. Third, we need to obey him on a day to day basis. Finally, we need to adjust ourselves all the time when we start to get lukewarm.
We need to pray to Jesus that we will never get lukewarm but on fire for Jesus.

research help: Turning Points March 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Revelation: Our Love

Revelation: Our Love by ric Gustafson

In Revelation 2:4, Jesus told the Ephesians that despite hard work, perseverance and purity they had lost the depth of love for him. So how does our love for Jesus drain away. Possibly we are not spending as much time with him as we were. Possibly other things have taken priority over studying God's Word. Maybe we tell Jesus we love him less than we use to.
So how do we rekindle our love with Jesus?. We need to repent the things that have taken our time away from Jesus. We need to renew our commitment to Jesus. We need to walk with him more and pray to him more. We need to remember Jesus's cross and that he died for us. We need to return to our first love. Our first love needs to be Jesus our Savior and best friend.

research help: Turning Points March 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Pitchman page 2

the Pitchman page 2 by ric Gustafson

Billy heard the familiar bell. His producer Johnny Sledge then gave him his cue.
" Ladies and Gentlemen" he said quietly. He picked up a stack of recipe cards. " It is now the Easter season". He picked up a card. " You start looking through your Easter meal recipe cards to get ideas". He frowns at the camera. " How frustrating is it to look through all your recipe cards and not find the one you want".
" Well, your frustration can now be over". He smiles as he holds up a card organizer. " With this ultimate Easter recipe card organizer, your days of searching for that specific Easter recipe card is over".
" The organizer is set up in different categories, so you know exactly where your Easter recipe cards are at when you need them". He smiled. " And if you need to travel to Grandma's for Easter". He smiled again. " Your Easter recipe card organizer folds up into a traveling case".
Billy held up the organizer. " This organizer normally retails for $ 29.99 but today we are reducing the price to $ 19.99". He paused. " But wait there's more".
" If you call within the next fifteen minutes, you will receive 500 Easter recipe cards at no additional charge".  He smiled at the camera. " Call now".
The bell rang. Billy wiped sweat from his forehead.
Johnny walked over. " Great job Billy
" Thanks".
" Billy, the ultimate toaster is next".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 4, 2016

Revelation: Seven Churches

Revelation: Seven Churches by ric Gustafson

Starting in Revelation 2 and ending in Revelation 3, a letter was dictated to seven churches in Asia Minor through the Apostle John. Let us look at each one.

1. The Church in Ephesus-  Revelation 2: 1-7 describes this church as hardworking and persevering. They had endured great hardships for Jesus and over time their service for Christ had replaced their love for Jesus.
2. The Church in Smyrna- Revelation 2: 8-11 describes this church as suffering under Rome. Jesus did not say anything negative about this church. This church persevered under intense hardship.
3. The Church in Pergamum- Revelation 2: 12-17 describes this church as being surrounded by Satan's influences. The Christians there did not deny their faith. This church did need to repent or suffer the judgment of Jesus.
4. The Church in Thyatira- Revelation 2: 18-29 describes this church as steep in sexual immorality. He warned this church that there were judgments for sin and rewards for faithfulness.
5. The Church in Sardis- Revelation 3: 1-6 describes this church as alive but spiritually dead. This church was letting the truth slip through their fingers. This church was told to hold fast and repent. They were also given a promise of eternal blessings.
6. The Church in Philadelphia- Revelation 3: 7-13 describes this church as faithful to the name and Word of Jesus. He promised this church that he would keep them from the hour of trial.
7. The Church in Laodicea- Revelation 3: 14-22 describes this church as lukewarm. Jesus was at their door knocking but not invited in.

research help: Turning Points March 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 15

the Great Oz page 15 by ric Gustafson

Oscar, Finley and China Girl found themselves in a dark forest. Bats flew by and a crow chattered from a tall tree. Oscar picked up China Girl because she was scared. After a while, they walked up to a rusty fence. Inside were gravestones amid bent and gnarled trees.
China Girl gave Oscar a scared look. " So how are you going to kill the witch?".
Oscar. " All I have to do is get her wand".
They watched as someone approached. The person was wearing a black cloak. The person put a wand next to a broken down cart.
China Girl pointed. " They put their wand next to that cart".
Oscar quietly walked up to the cart. The cloaked person was putting flowers into a basket.
As Oscar bent down to pick up the wand, he stepped on a large stick.
" Are you the Wizard?".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: ask and you shall receive

Easter 2016 reflections: ask and you shall receive by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Mark 11: 20-25.  Have you ever prayed and the outcome was not what you expected. What happened?. We must realize that prayer is not a one way communication where we make demands of God. Prayer is where we open ourselves to God and respond to his guidance.
In today's bible reading, Jesus tells us to pray. He says that whatever you pray and ask for believe that you will receive it. God gives us unlimited love, forgiveness and grace.
Praise God for prayer which brings us into an intimate relationship with him.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

the Pitchman page 1

the Pitchman page 1 by ric Gustafson

Shelby applied the brush to Billy's cheeks. " I enjoy your show Mr Brazell".
" Thank you Shelby". He stood up and then walked into a spacious dressing room. He put on a pair of black pants and a dark blazer. He laced up his black wingtips. He heard a knock at the door. " Come in".
" Billy my boy" exclaimed Simon Richeals. He shook his hand. " The new ratings are in". He smiled. " Your show is number one in the prime time slot".
" Thanks Simon". He put a red flower into the lapel of his blazer. " That means a lot to me". He stared at the station's general manager. " Are we doing Easter gifts this evening?".
" Yes". He glanced at the large clock on a nearby wall. " Including a giant toaster that makes the best Easter toast in the world".
Billy gave Simon a serious stare. " Is J.C. doing his show tonight also?".
" He sure is".
" Why Simon?".
" Billy" he replied as he handed him a ratings report. " His ratings are just as high as yours".
" What is his show called again?".
" Welcome to the Bread of Life".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a man of gratitude

a man of gratitude by ric Gustafson

Jesus's feet hurt as he walked through the small village. He was on his way to Jerusalem. He had been walking for several hours.
A voice yelled from a distance. " Unclean".
Jesus noticed a group of ten lepers approaching.
One of the lepers yelled out as villagers approached. " Unclean".
One of the lepers recognized Jesus. He cried out " Jesus have mercy on us".
Jesus felt compassion for them. " Go and show yourselves to the priests".
As the ten walked off to do what Jesus had instructed them to do, they were cleansed.
Jesus walked toward the edge of the village. He heard a noise. He turned around.
One of the cleansed fell onto his face at his feet.
" Thank you" he sobbed. Tears came down his healed face. " Praise God".
" Were not ten cleansed?". Jesus looked at him with loving eyes. " Where are the other nine?". " Was no one found who returned to give glory to God ". He noticed that this foreigner was the only one who returned. " Stand up and go, your faith has made you well".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Easter 2016 reflections: one returned

Easter 2016 reflections: one returned by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Luke 17: 11-19.

There is one question we need to ponder. What are we grateful for?.  In today's bible reading, a group of lepers are healed by Jesus. Out of that entire group, only one returns to thank Jesus and praise God.
This healed man recognized  the miracle of his healing and returned. This healed man recognized that this miracle was because of God's grace. This healed man recognized that God acted through his Son.
To be Jesus's disciples, we need to open our eyes to the ways that God blesses us. We need to always be grateful for God's grace through his Son.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric