Monday, July 27, 2015

wonder of his love: initiating love

wonder of his love: initiating love by ric Gustafson

Love compelled God. He had to create life. He created space, galaxies, planets and the stars. He created everything for us. We were the motivation for creation. He filled the earth with beauty. Before he created anything, he dreamed of us. He created us to have a relationship with him.
A garden was our first home. Eden was perfect and beautiful. We were created from dust and bone. Sin entered that Garden and everything changed. But God loved us so much, he sent his Son to die for us.
God wants to be with us. Even though we fail him, he redeems us. Even though we push him away. he invites us into fellowship.
God, I love you more than anything else in this world.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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