Friday, July 31, 2015

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 5

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 5 by ric Gustafson

As the last of the followers walked past the coffin, Mr Perrine turned toward Rory. " Rory, myself and the other One World officials want to thank you and your bank for making this event possible".
" Your welcome" Rory replied in a tired voice.
Mr Perrine stood up and patted Rory's shoulder. " Myself and One World will not forget it".
Rory stood up to leave when he heard a little movement coming from inside the coffin.
Just then, Mr Simpato's eyes opened and he began to lift his head.
Those near the coffin began to fall down on their knees crying hysterically.
Carlo, with one of his arms, forced open the top of the glass coffin.
Thousands of followers ran to the front of the coffin.
Simpato slowly stood up and raised his arms toward the sky. " Peace".
The large crowd became silent.
" Do not be afraid". He smiled. " I have raised myself from the dead".
A large dark cloud came above them. Rain began to fall and cool everyone off.
" See only God can control the earth and sky".
People began to sing and dance in the cool refreshing rain.
" Come and worship me".
People began to come forward and kiss Carlo's hand.
The last two people to kiss Carlo's hand were Rory and Mr Perrine.

The End

research help: original story and ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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