Thursday, July 30, 2015

the ghost

the ghost by ric Gustafson

Peter and the other apostles were huddled in the boat as waves crashed against it. It was dark and they were not sure why Jesus wanted them to cross the lake and meet him on the other side. They had just witnessed a miracle where several thousand people were fed with just five barley loaves and two fish.
Peter and the others could hardly see anything as they stared across the dark and windswept lake. All of a sudden, they noticed something strange floating across the water.
" It's a ghost" they cried out in fear.
They heard Jesus's voice. " Take courage it is I".
They were relieved.
" Don't be afraid".
Peter thought for a moment. " Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water".
" Come".
Peter stood up and then walked to the edge of the boat. He saw Jesus in the distance and then courage came over him. He slowly stepped out and began to walk toward Jesus. As he was walking, all of a sudden he looked down. He noticed the deep water and the wind began to howl. He became afraid. He began to sink. " Lord, save me".
Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and caught Peter. " You of little faith".
Peter looked down in shame.
" Why did you doubt?".
Jesus and Peter got back into the boat. The wind died down.
All of the apostles worshiped Jesus. " Truly you are the Son of God".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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