Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I am the True Vine: Abiding Fruit

I am the True Vine: Abiding Fruit by ric Gustafson

As far as Christian work, some fruit last and some do not. Some fruit makes it's mark for generations and eternity. This kind of fruit lasts because of the power of God. Fruit reveals the nature of the tree that it comes from. The more we abide in Jesus, the fruit we bear will abide. Jesus as the True Vine chose us to bear fruit and that it would remain.
Are we producing fruit for Jesus that will last?. As Jesus's branches, we can have close and unbroken fellowship with him. With Jesus as the True Vine it is us as his branches that can bear fruit that he can use forever into eternity. Praise God.

The End

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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