Thursday, July 2, 2015

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 2

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 2 by ric Gustafson

About 9:00 am, Diane was helping a potential worker fill out an application form. Her phone rang.
" Diane, this is Doreen" the tired voice said. " That landowner called and he needs more workers".
" Ok, I'll ask those who are here". She hung up the phone. " Is there anybody who is willing to do a one day outside labor job for $ 240?".
Several hands shot up.
" There is a van outside to take all those willing to the landowner's property".
As the day went on, this happened at 12:00 noon and also around 3:00 pm. At about 5:00 she noticed only one worker was still sitting. " Roger, why are you still sitting here?".
" Nobody's given me a job today".
The phone rang. She picked it up. " Roger, would you like a quick job for an hour doing an outside labor project for a local landowner?".
" You bet". He stood up.
" The van is waiting outside to take you to the job".
Roger ran out to the van.
At exactly 6:00 pm, the landowner came back and gave Doreen a folder full of pay envelopes.
At 6:30 pm, the workers came back by van and stood in the waiting area to receive their wages.
Bobby and John opened their pay envelopes to find $ 240. They smiled even though they were very tired and sunburned.
Roger opened his envelope. To his surprise and joy he found $ 240.
Bobby noticed what Roger had gotten. " Wait a minute" he said in a tired voice. " John and I worked all day in the hot sun for $ 240". He pointed at Roger. " This person only worked for one hour and got the same amount we did".
Doreen came out of the office with the landowner.
The landowner stared at the workers. " I have done no wrong because you agreed to the wage I paid you". He waved his hand. " Take what is yours and go".
" The first shall be last and the last first".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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