Monday, July 27, 2015

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 2

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory got into his convertible and started driving north out of Jerusalem. After several hours, he stopped at a guard box. He handed the One World soldier his badge of entry. " I am Rory Johnston and I represent Copper Creek National Bank". He drove down into an underground parking stall.
He walked through a checkpoint and was told by the guard to go up to the sixth floor. He got off the elevator and was stopped by a guard in front of conference room 602.
Rory sat down in an open chair and did not recognize anyone.
A few minutes later, a middle aged man wearing a One World tailored suit walked into the conference room and then stopped behind a wooden podium. " Good afternoon, my name is Marcus Perrine and I am a trusted aide to Mr Simpato". He hesitated. " Mr Simpato's body will be arriving today ".
Someone raised their hand. " How many people are you expecting to view it?".
Mr Perrine grinned. " We are expecting at least five million followers to view his glass enclosed viewing box over the weekend".
Mr Perrine stared at Rory. " Are you Rory Johnston?".
" Yes".
" Mr Simpato told me that we could count on the Copper Creek National Bank for financial assistance".
" Yes" Rory replied  in a loud voice. " Our bank stands behind the One World financial network and Carlo Simpato".
" Good" Mr Perrine said as he put some plans on an easel. " Let's get to work".

research help: original story and ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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