Sunday, July 26, 2015

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 1

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rory was fast asleep in his hotel room when the phone rang. " Hello" he replied in a sleepy voice. " Yes, this is Rory Johnston". " Ok, I'll be right there". He swung his legs to the side of the bed and got up. He took a quick shower, put on some clothes and then walked down to his rented convertible.
He got some directions and then drove a few miles east of Jerusalem. He parked at a secret One World hospital seldom seen by many people.  He parked in an underground parking area and then inside joined several other One World officials.
The group was led into a small autopsy room. A One World official spoke up. " Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce an American doctor". The group clapped. " This is Dr Francine Evans who is a loyal follower of Carlo Simpato".
The large group was led to a gurney that was covered by a white sheet.
Dr Evans pulled the sheet off the stiff body of Carlo Simpato. " I was asked to examine your leader and report my findings". She pointed a finger at the body. " As you look at the head of Mr Simpato, you will notice that a bullet went through the bottom of the neck and through the top of the head". She sighed. " Mr Simpato died from severe brain trauma by a single bullet from a handgun". She pointed again. " The bullet destroyed the brain stem and severed the spinal cord".
Rory could not believe that his leader and friend was dead.

research help: original story and ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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