Tuesday, July 21, 2015

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 3

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 3 by ric Gustafson

Rory ran to join the huge crowd that was gathered next to the Wailing Wall. This event at 4:00 was organized by Carlo Simpato. The two witnesses knew that they had 1260 days to preach and try to convert people to Jesus the Christ. Today was day 1261. They knew their time to be overcome had arrived.
Rory watched as a long motorcade of black limos pulled up and stopped in front of the witnesses. Simpato and other One World officials got out of the limos and walked to a safe distance from the two witnesses. Simpato motioned to a nearby One World guard to stand next to him with a rifle.
The two witnesses stared at Carlo as he walked up to them. " What do the two of you have to say now?". Carlo glanced at the growing crowd. " So you're quiet now".
The crowd booed and mocked the two witnesses.
" Where are your locusts?". Carlo mockingly raised his arms toward heaven. " Where are your horses that spew smoke and flame?".
The two witnesses stood silent.
Carlo pointed toward the crowd. " I will not stand here before my followers without pronouncing judgment". He now stood in front of the witnesses and faced his people. " For the crime of preaching, prophesizing and helping  with the plagues of locusts and smoke spewing horses". He now turned toward the silent witnesses. " The judgment is death".
The two witnesses lifted their heads toward heaven.
Carlo took the rifle from the guard and then walked behind the two witnesses.  As they kept looking toward heaven, Carlo shot both of them in the back of the head.
The crowd cheered as blood splattered on the pavement. Carlo handed the rifle back to the guard and then walked away.
For three and a half days, the remains of the two were abused by the large crowd.
One day when no one was watching, the two stood up and the blood stains on them disappeared. Their bodies were transformed. The sky became blue and purple.
A loud voice from heaven sounded. " Come here".
The two witnesses rose from the ground and vanished into a cloud.

research help: original story and ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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