Saturday, July 18, 2015

Agentsof the Apocalypse: Agents of the Last Days

Agents of the Apocalypse: Agents of the Last Days by ric Gustafson

Based on events happening now around the world, we know that we are the agents of the Last Days. God will use us his people to accomplish his work and his will. Who are the agents of the Last Days, we are. According to 2 Timothy we are to preach the word and be ready in season and out of season. Looking at todays headlines of moral decline and wars, it could drive you to despair. But God wants us to stand firm and to be optimists.
To be one of Jesus's agents, first we must be born again. We must be new creatures in Jesus. God wants to change our hearts. When we become an agent of reconciliation, our hearts are filled with Jesus's love. When we become an ambassador for Jesus, we want to share his love with others.
When Jesus is our personal Redeemer, love grips our hearts. As his agents, we need to share and preach God's word. We need to share with others the good news of Jesus. We as God's people are the Agents of the Last Days. Praise God

The End

research help: Turning Points October 2014

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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