Friday, July 17, 2015

Operation Valkyrie page 10

Operation Valkyrie page 10 by ric Gustafson

When Stauffenberg entered the hut, the conference had already started. General Heusinger, who was the Assistant Chief of Staff, was reporting on the situation on the Eastern Front. There was two dozen men present including Hitler. They were clustered around a heavy oblong table which was littered with maps. Stauffenberg walked over so he was only six feet from Hitler. Keitel introduced him and then he shook Hitler's hand. Stauffenberg put his briefcase under the heavy table with his boot. Heusinger kept talking and Stauffenberg knew he only had seven minutes before the bomb exploded.
Stauffenberg excused himself saying that he had to make a phone call. He quickly left with only Keitel noticing.
After leaving the hut, he quickly walked across the compound to a shelter. There he was met by General Erich Fellgiebel. He was a fellow conspirator and was helping Stauffenberg. They nervously waited for three minutes. At 12:42, a single detonation occurred. Smoke emerged from the hut. Haeften quckly picked up the two by car and started for the sentry checkpoints. They were waved through the first two with no trouble. At the third and final checkpoint, a sergeant major was insistant that they could not get through. Stauffenberg called and got permission to leave. He told Haeften to hurry to the airfield where a plane was waiting for them. Haeften through the other bomb out the window.

research help: ' Secret Germany' by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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