Thursday, July 9, 2015

Operation Valkyrie page 8

Operation Valkyrie page 8 by ric Gustafson

On Thursday July 20 1944 at 7:00 am, Stauffenberg got on a courier aircraft at a military airport south of Berlin. With him was his aide-de-camp Lieutenant Werner von Haeften  and another officer who knew about the conspiracy. The day was already hot and was to get more so as the day went on.
Normally the flight to Rastenburg was about two hours. Today however it was delayed and the plane did not land until 10:30 am. At the airstrip, a car picked up the three men and drove them to Hitler's compound. For four miles, the car went through pagan fir forests that had the stench of mould. Then the car went through a camouflaged perimeter of minefields, barbed wire and manned checkpoints. After they had gone through the checkpoints, the three reached their destination. Stauffenberg was sweating because the temperature had already reached the upper 80's.
At a table under an oak tree near the mess, Stauffenberg ate breakfast.

research help: ' Secret Germany' by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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