Thursday, July 23, 2015

Leaders of the Bible: Deborah

Leaders of the Bible: Deborah by ric Gustafson

Today it is unusual for a woman to lead a nation. Deborah was an exception. She was the fourth judge of Israel and was the only woman to do so. Her gifts as an advisor, mediator and planner were used by God. If we are available to God, he will use us. She led the nation for forty years.
Deborah was willing to follow God and be a counselor of God's Word. Deborah provided support and leadership. Deborah faced adversity and influenced others to live for God. Deborah gave God all the credit. She fought battles with praise.
Thank God for Deborah who was a Leader of the Bible.

research help: ' Legendary Leaders of the Bible' by Shanna D Gregor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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