Monday, July 20, 2015

Leaders of the Bible: Abraham

Leaders of the Bible: Abraham by ric Gustafson

Abraham is the Father of Faith.
Abraham's story starts in the land of Ur. People worshipped other gods yet the one true God spoke directly to him. God asked him to leave everything and take a walk with him. Abraham trusted God and faithfully obeyed him. God made a covenant with him and promised him that he would become the father of many nations.
Abraham obeyed God and went not knowing where he was going. He gave up everything to follow God. Abraham left a legacy of sustained faith. Abraham's heart longed for the eternal. God is faithful and Abraham passed the test. Abraham saw the big picture and worked with God.
Thank God for Leaders of the Bible like Abraham.

research help: ' Legendary Leaders of the Bible' by Shanna D Gregor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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