Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bus 203 page 6

Bus 203 page 6 by ric Gustafson

Adolf Eichmann was standing in a line of SS men. He was now going by the name of Second Lieutenant Otto Eckmann and he was hoping that Jewish camp survivors would not recognize him. He had been successful with his new identity for the entire summer. He had come through several interrogations about wartime activities with no trouble.
He was now working in an air force warehouse stacking heavy ammunition. In late August, he was moved to another camp west of Nuremberg. During the war, he had tried to stay out of public view. He avoided having his picture taken and destroyed the negatives of his identity cards. In October, he was questioned at an interrogation center in Ansbach. He was concerned because the investigator spoke perfect German and knew the SS well. Eichmann told the investigator that he had been part of a Waffen SS division battling the Soviets outside Budapest. Eichmann feared that this time he would be caught. He returned to Ober Dachstettin by military bus and even contemplated suicide. On November 21, Eichmann watched the start of the Nuremberg trials.

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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