Friday, July 31, 2015

Dorcas page 1

Dorcas page 1 by ric Gustafson

Aema cried as she stared at her friend. " I can't believe she's gone".
Lina pointed toward a corner of the room. " Look at all the clothes she was making to help the poor".
Ona looked at her friend's face. " She had the beauty of a gazelle and was an emblem of beauty".
Aema smiled at the others. " I know what we should do". She pointed at Oma. " Please go downstairs and fetch me Selma".
She ran downstairs and then returned with a young man.
" Selma, do you know the village of Lydda?".
" Yes, it is about twelve miles from here".
" Can you quickly go there and see if the Apostle Peter can return with you?".
" I will try".
" Good and please take someone with you".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 5

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 5 by ric Gustafson

As the last of the followers walked past the coffin, Mr Perrine turned toward Rory. " Rory, myself and the other One World officials want to thank you and your bank for making this event possible".
" Your welcome" Rory replied in a tired voice.
Mr Perrine stood up and patted Rory's shoulder. " Myself and One World will not forget it".
Rory stood up to leave when he heard a little movement coming from inside the coffin.
Just then, Mr Simpato's eyes opened and he began to lift his head.
Those near the coffin began to fall down on their knees crying hysterically.
Carlo, with one of his arms, forced open the top of the glass coffin.
Thousands of followers ran to the front of the coffin.
Simpato slowly stood up and raised his arms toward the sky. " Peace".
The large crowd became silent.
" Do not be afraid". He smiled. " I have raised myself from the dead".
A large dark cloud came above them. Rain began to fall and cool everyone off.
" See only God can control the earth and sky".
People began to sing and dance in the cool refreshing rain.
" Come and worship me".
People began to come forward and kiss Carlo's hand.
The last two people to kiss Carlo's hand were Rory and Mr Perrine.

The End

research help: original story and ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 30, 2015

the ghost

the ghost by ric Gustafson

Peter and the other apostles were huddled in the boat as waves crashed against it. It was dark and they were not sure why Jesus wanted them to cross the lake and meet him on the other side. They had just witnessed a miracle where several thousand people were fed with just five barley loaves and two fish.
Peter and the others could hardly see anything as they stared across the dark and windswept lake. All of a sudden, they noticed something strange floating across the water.
" It's a ghost" they cried out in fear.
They heard Jesus's voice. " Take courage it is I".
They were relieved.
" Don't be afraid".
Peter thought for a moment. " Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water".
" Come".
Peter stood up and then walked to the edge of the boat. He saw Jesus in the distance and then courage came over him. He slowly stepped out and began to walk toward Jesus. As he was walking, all of a sudden he looked down. He noticed the deep water and the wind began to howl. He became afraid. He began to sink. " Lord, save me".
Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and caught Peter. " You of little faith".
Peter looked down in shame.
" Why did you doubt?".
Jesus and Peter got back into the boat. The wind died down.
All of the apostles worshiped Jesus. " Truly you are the Son of God".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 4

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory and other One World officials were sitting in a huge temporary grandstand. The afternoon heat was starting to get to them.  He was sweating as millions of Carlo Simpato's followers slowly made their way past his glass enclosed coffin. Rory noticed that some were crying, some were just walking by quietly and some laughing hysterically with emotion. Rory wiped the sweat off of his brow when he felt someone putting their hand on his shoulder.
" Hello Rory" Marcus Perrine said as he shook the young man's hand. " I hope you are enjoying the celebration this afternoon"" Yes I am" he replied as he wiped more sweat from his forehead. " Even though it is very hot this afternoon".
Both watched as festival choirs sang and marched past the coffin. A children's choir began to sing in front of the coffin.
Rory felt proud of all the people paying homage to his leader and his friend.

research help: original story and ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

wonder of his love: accessible love

wonder of his love: accessible love by ric Gustafson

Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we have access to God. We have access to God's Almighty throne. Some of us are afraid to be in his presence. We try to earn the right to enter God's throne room. We try to be good, follow the Golden Rule and keep the Ten Commandments. We try to be moral, good, go to church, tithe and repeat prayers.
But God says no. It says in Hebrews 4:16 to approach the throne of grace with confidence. There we will receive mercy and grace. We are God's children. He will always give us mercy, grace and loving kindness. God invites us to his throne room for unhurried personal access.
Praise God for his accessible love to us.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 3

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 3 by ric Gustafson

Rory watched as ten pallbearers solemnly carried in the draped Plexiglas box. He began to cry as the box was carefully placed on top of a pedestal. It was then carefully positioned.
Two of the pallbearers removed the shroud. The body of Carlo Simpato appeared lifeless. He was dressed in a dark suit, a dark shirt and a striped tie.
Dr Evans had done a fabulous job with Mr Simpato's body.
Rory was curious and wanted a closer look. He began to walk toward the box when he was stopped by the sudden appearance of four armed One World guards. Their job was to protect the box. Another guard came to the box with a box of rags and polish. His job was to wipe off any prints that might occur.
Rory looked up at the beautiful sunrise. He had heard from a weather report that it was going to be a very hot day.

research help: original story and ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

wonder of his love: resurrecting love

wonder of his love: resurrecting love by ric Gustafson

In John 11: 25-26, Jesus says that he is the resurrection and the life. Jesus wants us to experience his resurrecting love. In the Gospel of Mark, we hear the story of a synagogue ruler named Jairus. His twelve year old daughter was at the point of death. He begged Jesus to come to her. As they were going to his home, word came that the girl had already died. Jesus reassured him by saying don't be afraid just believe. Jesus took the child's hand and told her to get up. Instantly, she rose and began to walk around.
One day we will shed our failing mortal bodies. Then we will be outfitted in a glorious new body that is made to live eternally.
Jesus's resurrecting love asks only that we just believe.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 27, 2015

wonder of his love: initiating love

wonder of his love: initiating love by ric Gustafson

Love compelled God. He had to create life. He created space, galaxies, planets and the stars. He created everything for us. We were the motivation for creation. He filled the earth with beauty. Before he created anything, he dreamed of us. He created us to have a relationship with him.
A garden was our first home. Eden was perfect and beautiful. We were created from dust and bone. Sin entered that Garden and everything changed. But God loved us so much, he sent his Son to die for us.
God wants to be with us. Even though we fail him, he redeems us. Even though we push him away. he invites us into fellowship.
God, I love you more than anything else in this world.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 2

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory got into his convertible and started driving north out of Jerusalem. After several hours, he stopped at a guard box. He handed the One World soldier his badge of entry. " I am Rory Johnston and I represent Copper Creek National Bank". He drove down into an underground parking stall.
He walked through a checkpoint and was told by the guard to go up to the sixth floor. He got off the elevator and was stopped by a guard in front of conference room 602.
Rory sat down in an open chair and did not recognize anyone.
A few minutes later, a middle aged man wearing a One World tailored suit walked into the conference room and then stopped behind a wooden podium. " Good afternoon, my name is Marcus Perrine and I am a trusted aide to Mr Simpato". He hesitated. " Mr Simpato's body will be arriving today ".
Someone raised their hand. " How many people are you expecting to view it?".
Mr Perrine grinned. " We are expecting at least five million followers to view his glass enclosed viewing box over the weekend".
Mr Perrine stared at Rory. " Are you Rory Johnston?".
" Yes".
" Mr Simpato told me that we could count on the Copper Creek National Bank for financial assistance".
" Yes" Rory replied  in a loud voice. " Our bank stands behind the One World financial network and Carlo Simpato".
" Good" Mr Perrine said as he put some plans on an easel. " Let's get to work".

research help: original story and ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 26, 2015

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 1

the end of days: the return of Simpato page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rory was fast asleep in his hotel room when the phone rang. " Hello" he replied in a sleepy voice. " Yes, this is Rory Johnston". " Ok, I'll be right there". He swung his legs to the side of the bed and got up. He took a quick shower, put on some clothes and then walked down to his rented convertible.
He got some directions and then drove a few miles east of Jerusalem. He parked at a secret One World hospital seldom seen by many people.  He parked in an underground parking area and then inside joined several other One World officials.
The group was led into a small autopsy room. A One World official spoke up. " Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce an American doctor". The group clapped. " This is Dr Francine Evans who is a loyal follower of Carlo Simpato".
The large group was led to a gurney that was covered by a white sheet.
Dr Evans pulled the sheet off the stiff body of Carlo Simpato. " I was asked to examine your leader and report my findings". She pointed a finger at the body. " As you look at the head of Mr Simpato, you will notice that a bullet went through the bottom of the neck and through the top of the head". She sighed. " Mr Simpato died from severe brain trauma by a single bullet from a handgun". She pointed again. " The bullet destroyed the brain stem and severed the spinal cord".
Rory could not believe that his leader and friend was dead.

research help: original story and ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 24, 2015

heroes of Star Trek: Captain James T Kirk

heroes of Star Trek: Captain James T Kirk by ric Gustafson

Captain James Tiberius Kirk was born in Riverside Iowa in 2233. In 1966, Captain Kirk represented everything about a final frontier. He tackled space racists, salt monsters and mad psychiatrists. As Captain, he was an explorer, judge and jury. He was a history man, a true blood American and an old fashioned military man.
He taught his crew how to be brave and have loyalty. We were introduced to Captain Kirk in an episode called ' The Cage'. This steel jawed and intrepid Captain changed the face of TV heroes forever.

research help: CBS Watch Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Leaders of the Bible: Deborah

Leaders of the Bible: Deborah by ric Gustafson

Today it is unusual for a woman to lead a nation. Deborah was an exception. She was the fourth judge of Israel and was the only woman to do so. Her gifts as an advisor, mediator and planner were used by God. If we are available to God, he will use us. She led the nation for forty years.
Deborah was willing to follow God and be a counselor of God's Word. Deborah provided support and leadership. Deborah faced adversity and influenced others to live for God. Deborah gave God all the credit. She fought battles with praise.
Thank God for Deborah who was a Leader of the Bible.

research help: ' Legendary Leaders of the Bible' by Shanna D Gregor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 5

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 5 by ric Gustafson

After Carlo Simpato had finished his speech to the crowd, he walked off the lectern and then turned left toward the left side of the stage.
As Rory and some other One World officials walked toward him to shake his hand, Rory hear what sounded like a loud popping noise. The crowd began screaming and Simpato's security guards yelled for everyone to get down on the ground.
Rory noticed Carlo sprawled on the ground with blood coming from the top of his head. Rory immediately thought that it could have been from a bullet.
The host of the rally fell on top of Carlo and began to cry. One World guards began to fan out through the large crowd looking for a possible suspect. A stretcher came and Carlo was quickly taken away. Rory sat down in a chair dazed and not sure what just happened.
Later, Rory and others heard the news that Mr Simpato had died. At One World headquarters, Carlo was cleaned up and then put into a glass viewing box for his followers to walk by and pay their respects.
Rory walked past the viewing box and then began to cry. He already missed his leader.

The End

research help: original story and ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What do you see?: Perception or Reality

What do you see?: Perception or Reality by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we look at our life situations and can't figure them out. Sometimes they appear complex and frightening. Do our perceptions match God's reality?.
We look at life's circumstances differently than Jesus does. According to Psalm 139:16, all of our days are written in advance. We look at today that is in front of us. God sees every day clearly. Wisdom is moving from our perspective to God's. We see obstacles and God sees opportunities.
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.

research help: Turning Points July 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 4

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory walked up toward the stage and sat down in a chair in the front row. He had received an invitation to this One World rally along with several One World officials. Carlo thought the world of Rory partly because he had been helping him with his various financial projects. Because of this admiration, he had received this front row invitation. Thousands were expected to attend.
At 6:00 pm, the host of the rally began to speak. " Please stand and show your appreciation for our world leader, Carlo Simpato".
Carlo, wearing a blue suit and fancy blue shoes, walked up to the lectern. He took a sip of bottled water. " Citizens of our One World, thank you for coming to this rally".
The crowd cheered loudly.
" This party is to celebrate our triumph over our enemies". He took another sip of water. " Even though the sun, moon and stars have darkened, a third of the earth has been scorched we will not give in". He hesitated. " And even though a third of our water supply has been poisoned and more than a billion of our fellow citizens have perished". He smiled. " We have reason to celebrate tonight".
Millions around the globe were cheering and dancing.
" The two Wailing Wall traitors have been destroyed and our One World has prevailed". He winked at Rory. " No matter what this so called God does to us we will prevail as always".
Carlo waved to the crowd. " So celebrate our One World and have a good time tonight".

research help: original story and ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Leaders of the Bible: David

Leaders of the Bible: David by ric Gustafson

David had a heart that beat for God. David was a warrior for God. He stood against a giant Philistine that mocked God. David was a servant in the house of Saul and he developed a friendship with Saul's son Jonathan. King Saul became jealous of David. Later, he was anointed king of Israel.
David stayed close to God and had the right priorities. David had a transparent heart and wrote 73 psalms. David kept a pliable heart and respected authority. David knew that he belonged to God. David had concern for the things of God.
Praise God for Leaders of the Bible like David.

research help: ' Legendary Leaders of the Bible' by Shanna D Gregor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 3

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 3 by ric Gustafson

Rory ran to join the huge crowd that was gathered next to the Wailing Wall. This event at 4:00 was organized by Carlo Simpato. The two witnesses knew that they had 1260 days to preach and try to convert people to Jesus the Christ. Today was day 1261. They knew their time to be overcome had arrived.
Rory watched as a long motorcade of black limos pulled up and stopped in front of the witnesses. Simpato and other One World officials got out of the limos and walked to a safe distance from the two witnesses. Simpato motioned to a nearby One World guard to stand next to him with a rifle.
The two witnesses stared at Carlo as he walked up to them. " What do the two of you have to say now?". Carlo glanced at the growing crowd. " So you're quiet now".
The crowd booed and mocked the two witnesses.
" Where are your locusts?". Carlo mockingly raised his arms toward heaven. " Where are your horses that spew smoke and flame?".
The two witnesses stood silent.
Carlo pointed toward the crowd. " I will not stand here before my followers without pronouncing judgment". He now stood in front of the witnesses and faced his people. " For the crime of preaching, prophesizing and helping  with the plagues of locusts and smoke spewing horses". He now turned toward the silent witnesses. " The judgment is death".
The two witnesses lifted their heads toward heaven.
Carlo took the rifle from the guard and then walked behind the two witnesses.  As they kept looking toward heaven, Carlo shot both of them in the back of the head.
The crowd cheered as blood splattered on the pavement. Carlo handed the rifle back to the guard and then walked away.
For three and a half days, the remains of the two were abused by the large crowd.
One day when no one was watching, the two stood up and the blood stains on them disappeared. Their bodies were transformed. The sky became blue and purple.
A loud voice from heaven sounded. " Come here".
The two witnesses rose from the ground and vanished into a cloud.

research help: original story and ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Leaders of the Bible: Daniel

Leaders of the Bible: Daniel by ric Gustafson

The life of Daniel is a life we can model.
Daniel is taken from his home land into captivity as a teenager. He is determined to keep his commitment to God. He would not give in to pressure or conform to the culture of his captors. He obeyed God no matter the consequences. Daniel put God first in every part of his life. God granted him favor which gained him admiration and respect.
Daniel had a humble heart and only wanted the approval of God. Daniel made a personal commitment to God and always honored him. Daniel had the right motivation at all times. Daniel gained confidence through God's love. Because of prayer, Daniel knew that God was always with him.
We can model our Christian lives after Daniel's. Praise God for that.

research help: ' Legendary Leaders of the Bible' by Shanna D Gregor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 20, 2015

Leaders of the Bible: Abraham

Leaders of the Bible: Abraham by ric Gustafson

Abraham is the Father of Faith.
Abraham's story starts in the land of Ur. People worshipped other gods yet the one true God spoke directly to him. God asked him to leave everything and take a walk with him. Abraham trusted God and faithfully obeyed him. God made a covenant with him and promised him that he would become the father of many nations.
Abraham obeyed God and went not knowing where he was going. He gave up everything to follow God. Abraham left a legacy of sustained faith. Abraham's heart longed for the eternal. God is faithful and Abraham passed the test. Abraham saw the big picture and worked with God.
Thank God for Leaders of the Bible like Abraham.

research help: ' Legendary Leaders of the Bible' by Shanna D Gregor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 19, 2015

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 2

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory peeked out from underneath the picnic table. He noticed that the horse and rider had turned away. He noticed that the tail of the horse was actually a serpent with fangs. Rory quickly stood up and ran toward a large maple tree. Rory heard a noise like a snake and then all of a sudden flew headfirst into a maple tree branch.
Rory stood up blurry eyed and he now had a throbbing head. He ran toward the entrance to the bank. As he crouched by the front door, he noticed a fellow co worker pick up a tree branch and try to hit one of the horse and riders. The horse turned and spewed flames from his nostrils. The co worker burned and quickly turned to ash. Rory ran into the building and then up to his office.
Rory put an ice pack on his head as he turned on the TV in his office. A One World reporter came on screen. " Reports are coming in from all over the globe of giant horses spewing flames and sulfur".  The reporter hesitated. " Upwards of hundreds of thousands have been killed". " Our leader Carlo Simpato will address this new crisis tonight at 7:00 pm". The reporter hesitated again. " And now to Jerusalem for a live report".
A One World reporter was standing by the Wailing Wall and the two followers.
An angry crowd had formed. " Your so called loving God has brought this calamity on us".
One of the followers raised a bony finger. " This plague is to try to reach you by a loving God who is running out of patience".
The other follower raised a bony finger. " Turn to God or your time will run out
" What then" Rory yelled at the TV.
" You will have to stand before God".
In disgust, Rory turned off the TV.

research help: original story and ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Agentsof the Apocalypse: Agents of the Last Days

Agents of the Apocalypse: Agents of the Last Days by ric Gustafson

Based on events happening now around the world, we know that we are the agents of the Last Days. God will use us his people to accomplish his work and his will. Who are the agents of the Last Days, we are. According to 2 Timothy we are to preach the word and be ready in season and out of season. Looking at todays headlines of moral decline and wars, it could drive you to despair. But God wants us to stand firm and to be optimists.
To be one of Jesus's agents, first we must be born again. We must be new creatures in Jesus. God wants to change our hearts. When we become an agent of reconciliation, our hearts are filled with Jesus's love. When we become an ambassador for Jesus, we want to share his love with others.
When Jesus is our personal Redeemer, love grips our hearts. As his agents, we need to share and preach God's word. We need to share with others the good news of Jesus. We as God's people are the Agents of the Last Days. Praise God

The End

research help: Turning Points October 2014

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 17, 2015

Operation Valkyrie page 10

Operation Valkyrie page 10 by ric Gustafson

When Stauffenberg entered the hut, the conference had already started. General Heusinger, who was the Assistant Chief of Staff, was reporting on the situation on the Eastern Front. There was two dozen men present including Hitler. They were clustered around a heavy oblong table which was littered with maps. Stauffenberg walked over so he was only six feet from Hitler. Keitel introduced him and then he shook Hitler's hand. Stauffenberg put his briefcase under the heavy table with his boot. Heusinger kept talking and Stauffenberg knew he only had seven minutes before the bomb exploded.
Stauffenberg excused himself saying that he had to make a phone call. He quickly left with only Keitel noticing.
After leaving the hut, he quickly walked across the compound to a shelter. There he was met by General Erich Fellgiebel. He was a fellow conspirator and was helping Stauffenberg. They nervously waited for three minutes. At 12:42, a single detonation occurred. Smoke emerged from the hut. Haeften quckly picked up the two by car and started for the sentry checkpoints. They were waved through the first two with no trouble. At the third and final checkpoint, a sergeant major was insistant that they could not get through. Stauffenberg called and got permission to leave. He told Haeften to hurry to the airfield where a plane was waiting for them. Haeften through the other bomb out the window.

research help: ' Secret Germany' by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Agents of the Apocalypse: Agents of the Church

Agents of the Apocalypse: Agents of the Church by ric Gustafson

What is an Agent?. His job is to represent another person or entity with authority to carry out business. We have the privilege of worshiping God because of agents of our Risen Lord. Our commission is to go out and make disciples in his name.
The original agent of the church was John the Baptist. He prepared the way for Jesus. The next agents of the church were the twelve disciples. After this, Jesus sent out seventy more agents. The Apostle Peter was the founder of the church. The apostle Paul was the builder of God's Church.
After 1,900 years, we can freely worship Jesus because of Agents of the Church.

research help: Turning Points October 2014

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Lusitania page 2

Lusitania page 2 by ric Gustafson

Captain William Thomas Turner had a lot to do to get his ship ready by Saturday May 1. As far as Cunard was concerned, he was the best at handling large ships. As Captain of the Aquitania, he fitted his ship into it's slip in just nineteen minutes. As Captain of the Mauretania, he held the record time for a round trip Atlantic trip in fourteen days.
The amount of coal needed for his large ship was staggering. It took 300 stokers, trimmers and firemen to shovel 1,000 tons of coal a day into 192 furnaces and 25 boilers. Each boiler was 22 feet in length and 18 feet wide.
The liner was built to be fast. The British government gave Cunard $ 2.4 million to build 2 huge ships. Those ships were the Lusitania and the Mauretania. Two conditions had to be met. First, the ships had to have a speed of at least 24.5 knots. The second was that the ships be equipped with naval artillery in case it was engaged in war. The naval guns were employed on the Mauretania but not the Lusitania. Turner's huge ship remained a passenger liner.

research help: ' Dead Wake' by Erik Larson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lusitania page 1

Lusitania page 1 by ric Gustafson

Pier 54 on the Hudson is located off the western end of Manhattan. It was one of four piers operated by Cunard Steam Ship Company of Liverpool England.
It was Saturday May 1 1915 and Captain William Thomas Turner was standing on the bridge of the huge liner. He knew that in a few days the liner would be full with about 2,000 people including 1,265 passengers. Turner knew that this trip across the Atlantic was risky. He knew after reading the New York Times that this would be the largest Europe bound trip with passengers in a single vessel since the year began. The war in Europe was now in it's tenth month.
Fully loaded, the liner was 44,000 tons and had a top speed of over 25 knots. From the very beginning, the ship became an object of national pride for Cunard. The liner went on it's first transatlantic in 1907. By the end of April 1915, it had completed 201 crossings across the Atlantic.

research help: ' Dead Wake' by Erik Larson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I am the True Vine: Abiding Fruit

I am the True Vine: Abiding Fruit by ric Gustafson

As far as Christian work, some fruit last and some do not. Some fruit makes it's mark for generations and eternity. This kind of fruit lasts because of the power of God. Fruit reveals the nature of the tree that it comes from. The more we abide in Jesus, the fruit we bear will abide. Jesus as the True Vine chose us to bear fruit and that it would remain.
Are we producing fruit for Jesus that will last?. As Jesus's branches, we can have close and unbroken fellowship with him. With Jesus as the True Vine it is us as his branches that can bear fruit that he can use forever into eternity. Praise God.

The End

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I am the True Vine: as I have loved you

I am the True Vine: as I have loved you by ric Gustafson

John 15:12 says This is my commandment that ye love one another. God wants us to keep the commandments and abide in his love. We are to love the brethren just as Jesus does. It is sometimes hard to honor this commandment when we have failure and discouragement. When we keep this commandment, Jesus works in us.
There is a mystery to the Vine. The Vine displays omnipotence and nearness. Jesus supplies this all the time to us.
Jesus is the Vine and we are his branches. Praise God

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 13, 2015

I am the True Vine: Love one another

I am the True Vine: Love one another by ric Gustafson

God is love. Jesus is the Son of God's love. Jesus is the healer, revealer and the communicator of that love. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love. Salvation is love conquering and entering into us. Jesus gave us a new commandment. That commandment is that ye love one another. The vine and the branches form one body and bear one fruit. Jesus wants us to love one another. Jesus wants our life and conduct to be a sacrifice of love.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Operation Valkyrie page 9

Operation Valkyrie page 9 by ric Gustafson

At 11:00 am, Stauffenberg met with two general officers. At 11:30, he attended a forty five minute conference with Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel Chief of the General Staff. The conference with Hitler had been moved up to 12:30 pm. Stauffenberg knew that he did not have much time. At 12:15, he excused himself and went to the washroom. There he was joined by Haeften who was carrying a briefcase  with two bombs inside. The bombs had to be detonated by acid eating through a length of wire. Stauffenberg used a modified pair of pliers because he only had three fingers on his left hand. He activated the first bomb but was interrupted in his attempt to activate the second by a knock at the washroom door. It was a sergeant major telling him the meeting was already starting. Haeften slipped the other bomb into his briefcase. He came out into the corridor to encounter Field Marshal Keitel. Keitel accompanied Stauffenberg into the conference room. An officer asked to help Stauffenberg with his briefcase which he declined.
Normally, the conference would of been held in the concrete wall visitor's bunker. Today to Stauffenberg's dismay, the conference was held in the wooden briefing hut. The wooden structure was sixteen by forty feet with three large windows on the north wall.
Stauffenberg now approached the hut.

research help: ' Secret Germany' by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 1

the end of days: the 200 million horsemen page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rory walked across the busy street to the little park used by the bank's employees to eat in peace. Rory liked the park because it was quiet. He sat down at one of the park's wooden benches and opened up his sack lunch. As he munched on a carrot stick, he thought about his mother. She was sad and lonely without Rory's father Ross who disappeared with countless millions in the so called Rapture.
Rory touched his neck that had finally healed. It was bitten by a locust that had a tail like a scorpion. This and the loss of his father made him very angry toward God. His mother, who had recently become a Christian, was telling him to stay away from Carlo Simpato.
As he finished eating a ham sandwich, he could smell a faint odor of smoke. All of a sudden, he was thrown off the back of the table and hit the ground hard. Dazed and trembling, he quickly moved underneath the table. He looked out to see a horse twice the size of a normal horse. The horse was not touching the ground. Flames and smoke came from it's nostril and mouth. The horse's head was wide like the head of a lion and the horse's rider was ten feet tall. The rider wore a breastplate that was yellow, gold, red and blue. Behind this first rider were horses lined up as far as Rory could see.

research help: original story and ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 12, 2015

the end of days: the meeting of the witnesses page 5

the end of days: the meeting of the witnesses page 5 by ric Gustafson

Rory and Mr Simpato were walking back to their vehicle. Rory noticed that the sky was black as pitch. He could also hear a metal against metal sound. All of a sudden, out of the nearby smoke came flying monsters that looked like locusts. They were brown, black and yellowed color and were hideous and ugly looking. They resembled miniature horses and were five to six inches long. Their tails resembled those of scorpions.
Rory ran and opened the driver door. " Mr Simpato, please get in the car". As Carlo opened the door, several of the insects latched onto him and began to sting him. " Rory, please help me".
Rory got an umbrella out of the back seat and hit the insects to the ground stunning them. Just then, one of the insects latched itself onto Rory's neck and bit him. He swatted it to the concrete.
As the insects flew away, Carlo got out of the car. He put his hands over his stung face. " Rory, what are these hideous insects?". Rory put a hand over his bitten neck. " I don't know Sir".
The locust on the ground had horse like legs that supported a horse shaped body. It had a two part abdomen. The first part was a torso consisting of seven segments and draped by a metallic breastplate. It had hair like a woman and a stinger tail. It wore a helmet and was crown gold in color.
Carlo studied it and then knew where it came from. He raised a fist toward heaven. " You will not defeat me".

The End

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 11, 2015

the end of days: the meeting of the witnesses page 4

the end of days: the meeting of the witnesses page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory yawned as he walked into the large room. He noticed several Global Community scientists looking through large telescopes.
" Rory" Carlo Simpato exclaimed loudly as he stood by a large telescope. " Come take a look at this".
Rory walked over to his leader.
" Mr Stevens" Carlo said as he stared through the telescope lens. " Can you tell my friend Rory what you told me?".
" Sure" replied the middle aged scientist. He handed Rory a copy of his findings. " One day we thought we were observing what at first we thought was a typical shooting star". He hesitated. " But we were wrong".
Rory stared at him for a second. " What do you mean we were wrong?".
" This unidentified falling object slipped past the earth's surface and went into a deep crevice".
Carlo stared at the scientist. " A deep crevice?".
" Yes Sir" was his reply. " And it has triggered volcano like activity deep beneath the earth's surface".
" Rory, what do you make of that?".
Rory scratched his chin. " Sir, I don't know".

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 9, 2015

the end of days: the meeting of the witnesses page 3

the end of days: the meeting of the witnesses page 3 by ric Gustafson

Two Global Community guards quietly crawled combat style up the moist slope of the Mount of Olives.
One of the witnesses noticed them. Light illuminated from them. " Woe unto you who would not listen to the warnings of the chosen ones".
The guards crawled closer.
" You are doomed, your souls are beyond redemption".
A nearby crowd urged the guards to open fire on the two. Shots were fired as the two guards were only 100 yards from the two witnesses. After two long bursts of firing, the guards stopped.
All of a sudden, white light burst from the mouths of the witnesses.
The flesh of the two guards ignited. Their flesh vaporized and their bones became ash.
The crowd ran away in panic and fright.

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Operation Valkyrie page 8

Operation Valkyrie page 8 by ric Gustafson

On Thursday July 20 1944 at 7:00 am, Stauffenberg got on a courier aircraft at a military airport south of Berlin. With him was his aide-de-camp Lieutenant Werner von Haeften  and another officer who knew about the conspiracy. The day was already hot and was to get more so as the day went on.
Normally the flight to Rastenburg was about two hours. Today however it was delayed and the plane did not land until 10:30 am. At the airstrip, a car picked up the three men and drove them to Hitler's compound. For four miles, the car went through pagan fir forests that had the stench of mould. Then the car went through a camouflaged perimeter of minefields, barbed wire and manned checkpoints. After they had gone through the checkpoints, the three reached their destination. Stauffenberg was sweating because the temperature had already reached the upper 80's.
At a table under an oak tree near the mess, Stauffenberg ate breakfast.

research help: ' Secret Germany' by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sergius Paulus and Elymas page 1

Sergius Paulus and Elymas page 1 by ric Gustafson

My name is John Mark. I am on a boat with my brothers in Christ Paul and Barnabas. We had just left the city of Seleucia which is a port city of Antioch of Syria. I came to Antioch from Jerusalem with Paul and Barnabas to visit the Antioch church. When we arrived, we noticed members of the church were fasting and praising the Lord. The local church was praying for guidance as they considered an overseas mission. All of us prayed. We felt that the Holy Spirit gave us the answer.
The three of us decided to go out and preach to the Gentiles wherever we could find them. The first decision was where to go and how to get there. Barnabas suggested the island of Cyprus which was his native land. We all agreed to that. We made plans to acquire a boat, stock up on provisions and then sail from Seleucia.
As we traveled, Barnabas told us a little bit about Cyprus. The island is about 140 miles in length and 60 miles wide. He said that the island was administered by a Roman proconsul named Sergius Paulus. He also mentioned that Christian communities had sprung up on the island and could serve as bases of operation.
Barnabas suggested that we first go to Salamis which is in the eastern part of the island. When we arrived there, there was a positive reception from the people. Barnabas next suggested that we go to Paphos which was the provincial capital of the proconsul.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a mustard seed page 4

a mustard seed page 4 by ric Gustafson

80 year old Homer McGinn was stacking boxes of cans when he heard a noise behind him.
" Homer, are you about done?".
He turned to see Diane Jabro, the director of the homeless shelter, smiling at him. " Just about Mrs Jabro".
After he had finished stacking the boxes of cans, he followed Diane to the area where the residents ate. He noticed that the Mayor and some other city officials had come. Homer figured that they were about to honor someone.
The Mayor picked up a microphone. " Homer, can you come forward?".
In shock, he walked over to where the Mayor stood.
" Homer, in honor of your hard work and dedication to the Cans for the Homeless campaign". He hesitated. " I'm here to present you with this plaque and thanks from myself and the city". He handed the microphone to Homer.
" Since I was a kid and saw that sad man searching for food in a dumpster". He stared at the plaque as tears welled up in his eyes. " I give God all the glory and knew that it had to be my ministry".
Residents who were eating their lunch stood up and clapped their thanks.

The End

research help: original story and a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 6, 2015

a mustard seed page 3

a mustard seed page 3 by ric Gustafson

Homer and Michael Nixon walked into the conference room and sat down.
At 10:00, Richard Jones, CEO of the firm, walked behind a podium. " Before the weekly staff meeting". He smiled at his employees. " Homer, will you please stand up?".
Homer reluctantly stood up.
" Ladies and Gentlemen, the Cans for the Homeless campaign, which was started by Homer, has become a huge success".
Everyone clapped.
" Would you like to say something Homer?".
He stood up and walked up to the podium. " I want to thank everyone who has helped with this project". He grinned at his co workers. " I've been passionate about this since I was a kid and saw a sad man searching for food in a dumpster".
Mr Jones shook Homer's hand. " Thank you Homer for sharing your dream with us".
Everyone stood up and clapped.

research help: original story and a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 4, 2015

why Jesus came to die: to learn obedience and be perfected

why Jesus came to die: to learn obedience and be perfected by ric Gustafson

Hebrews 5:8 says although he was a son he learned obedience through what he suffered.

Hebrews 4:15 says that in every respect Christ has been tempted as we are yet without sin. Jesus was sinless. Even though Jesus is the divine Son of God, he was human and had temptations, appetites and physical weaknesses. Jesus had anger, hunger, grief and pain. But Jesus's heart was in perfect love with God.
Jesus obeyed each trial of life in practice, pain and obeying. According to Hebrews 2:17, Jesus fulfilled his true humanity and called us brothers and sisters.

research help: ' Fifty reasons why Jesus came to die' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a mustard seed page 2

a mustard seed page 2 by ric Gustafson

Homer opened his locker and put in his science textbook. He noticed a friend. " Hi Rog".
" Hi Homer". He took a math book out of his locker and then closed it.
" Rog, will you help me with a school project that I started?".
" Sure, what's that?".
" I'm starting a Cans for the Homeless campaign". He closed his locker. " I sure could use your help".
" Sure". They began to walk down the hallway. " You sure are passionate about it".
Homer smiled. " Ever since I was young and saw that sad man looking into the dumpster".
" Yes Homer I'll help you". He opened the door for them to enter class. " I'll ask my friends to help also".
" Thank you Rog".

research help: original story and a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 2, 2015

a mustard seed page 1

a mustard seed page 1 by ric Gustafson

Homer McGinn ran around the corner of the vestibule. Then he stopped.
" Homer stop!" Emily McGinn tiredly said as she caught up to her son.
" Mommy". He pointed  toward a white box on top of a brown plastic coffee cart. " Can I have a cookie?".
" Just one". She handed him a chocolate chip cookie.
He pointed toward some people who were putting cans into a large decorated box. " Mommy, what are those people doing?".
" They are putting cans of food in there to help feed people without a home".
" People without a home?".
Emily smiled at her young curious son. " Remember the man we saw downtown looking through the big green trashcan".
" Mommy, he looked so sad".
She smiled. " Would you like to put a can in there next Sunday?".
Homer nodded.
The following Sunday, Homer put a can of green beans into the box.

research help: original story and a sermon by Pastor Tyler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

why Jesus came to die: to please his heavenly Father

why Jesus came to die: to please his heavenly Father by ric Gustafson

Ephesians 5:2 says Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

It was God the Father's idea for his son Jesus to suffer and die. It was conceived before creation. God planned the history of the world. 2 Timothy 1:9 says that God's purpose and grace which he gave in Christ Jesus before the ages began.
It was God's idea for his Son to be the substitute for sinners. The suffering of his Son was a fragrance to God. Ephesians 5:2 says that Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God". Because of us, God sacrificed his son Jesus so we can be with him forever.

research help: ' Fifty reasons why Jesus came to die' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 2

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 2 by ric Gustafson

About 9:00 am, Diane was helping a potential worker fill out an application form. Her phone rang.
" Diane, this is Doreen" the tired voice said. " That landowner called and he needs more workers".
" Ok, I'll ask those who are here". She hung up the phone. " Is there anybody who is willing to do a one day outside labor job for $ 240?".
Several hands shot up.
" There is a van outside to take all those willing to the landowner's property".
As the day went on, this happened at 12:00 noon and also around 3:00 pm. At about 5:00 she noticed only one worker was still sitting. " Roger, why are you still sitting here?".
" Nobody's given me a job today".
The phone rang. She picked it up. " Roger, would you like a quick job for an hour doing an outside labor project for a local landowner?".
" You bet". He stood up.
" The van is waiting outside to take you to the job".
Roger ran out to the van.
At exactly 6:00 pm, the landowner came back and gave Doreen a folder full of pay envelopes.
At 6:30 pm, the workers came back by van and stood in the waiting area to receive their wages.
Bobby and John opened their pay envelopes to find $ 240. They smiled even though they were very tired and sunburned.
Roger opened his envelope. To his surprise and joy he found $ 240.
Bobby noticed what Roger had gotten. " Wait a minute" he said in a tired voice. " John and I worked all day in the hot sun for $ 240". He pointed at Roger. " This person only worked for one hour and got the same amount we did".
Doreen came out of the office with the landowner.
The landowner stared at the workers. " I have done no wrong because you agreed to the wage I paid you". He waved his hand. " Take what is yours and go".
" The first shall be last and the last first".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

why Jesus came to die: to absorb the wrath of God

why Jesus came to die: to absorb the wrath of God by ric Gustafson

I John 4:10 says In this is love not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

God is both just and loving. There was a demand for his Son to suffer and die. There was a willingness for his Son to suffer and die. God's love meets the demands of his justice. Sin is dishonoring God by preferring other things over him. Everyone sins and falls short of the glory of God according to Romans 3:23.
God is worthy of respect and admiration. Because God is just, he feels a holy wrath. Romans 6:23 says that the wages of sin is death. God sent his own Son to absorb that wrath and bear the curse for all who trust him. Jesus became our substitute and God's wrath was spent.
Thank you Jesus for being the propitiation for my sins. I love you.

research help: ' Fifty reasons why Jesus came to die' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bus 203 page 6

Bus 203 page 6 by ric Gustafson

Adolf Eichmann was standing in a line of SS men. He was now going by the name of Second Lieutenant Otto Eckmann and he was hoping that Jewish camp survivors would not recognize him. He had been successful with his new identity for the entire summer. He had come through several interrogations about wartime activities with no trouble.
He was now working in an air force warehouse stacking heavy ammunition. In late August, he was moved to another camp west of Nuremberg. During the war, he had tried to stay out of public view. He avoided having his picture taken and destroyed the negatives of his identity cards. In October, he was questioned at an interrogation center in Ansbach. He was concerned because the investigator spoke perfect German and knew the SS well. Eichmann told the investigator that he had been part of a Waffen SS division battling the Soviets outside Budapest. Eichmann feared that this time he would be caught. He returned to Ober Dachstettin by military bus and even contemplated suicide. On November 21, Eichmann watched the start of the Nuremberg trials.

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric