Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Talents scene 2

The Talents scene 2 by ric gustafson

                                   Scene 2

                        Bernard Talent is sitting next to an easel at the end of a long conference table.

{ the conference room door opens]

                                               Roger Talent

Good morning Dad

[ He puts his briefcase on the table next to his father]

                                                Roger Talent

I hope I'm not late

                                             Bernard Talent

In fact you are ten minutes early

[ Five minutes later, another young man enters the room]

                                              Richard Talent

Hi Dad  [ beat]  I hope I'm not late

                                               Bernard Talent

Actually you are five minutes early

[ He glanced at the clock on the far wall]

                                                Bernard Talent

It's 10:00  [ beat]  has anybody seen Lawrence yet?

                                                   Roger Talent

No Dad I haven't  [ beat]  I'm sure he'll saunter in before too long

[ Ten minutes into the meeting, another young man enters the room]

                                                     Lawrence Talent

I'm sorry I'm late Dad

[ He stared at his two older brothers]

                                                         Lawrence Talent

Did I miss anything?

[ Bernard shook his head and handed a packet of papers to each of his sons]

                                                    Bernard Talent

As you know I am going on a year vacation and these packets explain what I expect from each of you while I am gone

[ All three sons opened their packets and began to study them]

                                                      Bernard Talent

Roger, while I am gone I want you to be in charge of fifty percent of my bookstores

                                                      Roger Talent

Ok Dad  [ beat]  I won't let you down

                                                         Bernard Talent

Richard, while I am gone I would like you to be in charge of forty percent of my bookstores

                                                         Richard Talent

You can count on me Dad

                                                        Bernard Talent

Lawrence, while I am gone I would like you to be in charge of ten percent of my bookstores

[ He gave his father a resentful stare]

                                                            Lawrence Talent

Why did I get just ten percent and they got so much more than I did

[ Bernard gave his youngest son a loving grin]

                                                              Bernard Talent

Son, to be honest I believe that that is all you can handle

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