Wednesday, June 5, 2013

the fine print page 2

the fine print page 2 by ric gustafson

Horace and Gloria walked toward the man, who was wearing a red vest and shirt, as he was handing out brochures to customers.
" Hello and welcome to my Temptation Mega Mart". He gave everyone a strange grin as people took them and ran into the store. " Everything inside is free and we are open 24 hours a day".
" Hurry up Gloria" he said as he began to open the glass door. " Before everything is taken".
" I want to get a brochure first" she said as she walked up to the man in red.
" Hello there" he said as he handed Gloria a brochure. " Welcome to my Temptation Mega Mart".
" I'll be inside". Horace ran inside along with everyone else.
Gloria began to read the brochure.
" Welcome, my Mega Mart is full of everything that you desire and we are always open".
Gloria stared at the man in red. " What is this fine print at the bottom that you can barely read?".
" Don't even bother yourself with that" he said as he kept handing out the brochures. " Come inside like your husband and enjoy what I have to offer".
As masses of people entered the store, Gloria kept studying the fine print at the bottom of the brochure.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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