Monday, June 17, 2013

God's Dashboard: The Fuel Line

God's Dashboard: The Fuel Line by ric gustafson

When we drive our cars, we need fuel to power our vehicle. As God's people, we also need power to fuel our spiritual lives. As christians, our fuel source is God's Word. Our fuel for our daily walk with God is the truth from God's Word. John 8:44 says that Satan is the father of lies. We need God's truth in his Word to help us resist the pressure of this sin filled world. When we fill our spiritual tank, is it God's fuel or Satan's?. We need to be fueled by God's truth from God's Word. Just like with our cars, we need to constantly check our spirtual fuel tank. The next question is how do we do that?. By consistently having personal bible time and discussing the bible with others.
Having the wrong fuel in our cars could cause rough riding, poor gas mileage and trouble starting. We need to pay attention constantly to our spiritual fuel line and keep it full by studying God's Word and that will fill us with God's truth.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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