Wednesday, June 12, 2013

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 3

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 3 by ric gustafson

Marcia put some mashed potatoes on a plate and then handed it to her husband. " He actually asked you if you were a christian".
" He did".
She poured two glasses of wine and then handed him one. " What did you say?".
" I told him I was".
" And what did he say?".
Dwayne took a sip of his wine. " He told me he worked for an employer a long time ago who was a christian". He took a bite of the roast beef that was on his plate. " He said that he was in charge of their finances". He frowned. " I'm worried that my chances for the job are nil because I told him that".
She took a sip from her wine glass and then smiled. " God will determine if you are going to get the job or not".
Later as they washed the dishes, the phone rang.
" I'll get it". He put down his towel, walked over, picked up the cell phone and pushed the green button. " Hello". " Yes, this is Dwayne Hodgins".
Marcia watched as he listened intently to the caller.
" Thank you, I'll see you Monday morning". He hit the red button and put it back on it's hook.
" Dwayne, who was that?".
" Mr Lyon" he replied as a smile came to his face. " I got the job".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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