Saturday, June 29, 2013

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 3

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 3 by ric gustafson

The group stopped at a large display that showed a large majestic bird in flight.
" What kind of bird is that?" squealed one of the little girls as she clung nervously to her mother's leg.
The father grinned at his daughter. " An eagle".
" That's correct". Betty pointed at the display. " The eagle represents authority and strength". She pointed at the talons of the bird. " Did you know that the talons of a crown eagle can exert 480 pounds per square inch".
The wife smiled. " Are there any bible verses talking about the eagle?".
" Yes, Isaiah 40:31 talks about waiting on the Lord and mounting up with wings like eagles".
" Are there any other verses?" asked the father.
" Exodus 19:4 says that God bore us up on eagle's wings".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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