Friday, June 28, 2013

God's Dashboard: the Odometer

God's Dashboard: the Odometer by ric gustafson

The word odometer comes from the greek words hodos and metron. In a car, the odometer measures the distance you have traveled. The word odometer started at the time of Alexander the Great who wanted to know how much he had conquered. In Roman times, mileage was calculated by the rotation of chariot wheels. The Chinese used bells or drums to record the sound of a wheel.
A spiritual odometer  is used by God to track the progress of our spiritual walk with him. Are we progressing down the narrow path. Isaiah 35:8 refers to the ' Highway of Holiness which is a road we should be traveling on. What does our spiritual odometer say right now?. If we have been having trouble staying on the narrow path, we can change right now. We should read God's Word more and display more of the Fruit of the Spirit. We should be more loving, have more joy and patience. Our prayer life could be more consistent and our witness could be sharper. High mileage christians are a delight to God and we should praise him as we travel the Highway of Holiness.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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