Tuesday, June 18, 2013

God's Dashboard: The Oil Light

God's Dashboard: The Oil Light by ric gustafson

The word oil comes from the word olive. The word means a chemical that is high in carbon and is slippery. The first oils came from olives and other plants and some animals. Motor oil is petroleum based and lubricates the moving parts of an engine.
In the life of a christian, prayer is the motor oil of the soul. Our lives are better when we are oiled up in prayer and with the oil of praise. When somethng in our lives worries us, we can pray and ask for wisdom. If we have a major problem and want it removed from our lives, we can pray to God and he will solve it for us. Sometimes things are not solved as quickly as we would like, but God does listen and will solve it in his time and for our benefit.
So what is our spiritual oil level right now?. Is it a quart or two low?. Sometimes we need to adjust our busy schedules and tinker with our prayer life. We need to find a regular time to pray. Prayer does change things for our good and it is oil to our souls.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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