Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Great Harvest 101 page 6

The Great Harvest 101 page 6 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman saw the clock and noticed that it was 6:00. " Ok class, let's get started". He smiled. " Next week is our last week of class". He wrote something on the white board. " Tonight we will studying the concept of winnowing as far as a spiritual harvest". He smiled at the class. " Does anybody know how winnowing relates to an actual harvest?".
Nobody raised their hands.
" In an actual harvest, the chaff is seperated from the grain of wheat".
A hand went up. " Mr Freeman, what does winnowing have to do with a spiritual harvest?".
" When a new christian gets serious about his life with Christ, he tries to leave his chaff of sinning behind".
A hand went up.
" Yes Dean".
" So a spiritual winnowing is when we seperate our old sinful lives from our new life under the lordship of Christ".
" Dean, you are 100 percent correct".
He smiled at the class.
" Next week at our last class, we will tie the three concepts into the process of spiritual harvesting and what you can do personally to advance this spiritual harvest".

research help:  Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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