Friday, June 14, 2013

No Time chapter 7 page 1

No Time chapter 7 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson stopped in front of the brown decorative mailbox. " This is the address?".
Jessica glanced at her notebook. " I think so, does the mailbox say 1000 Forest Place Dr?".
" It sure does".
She noticed the middle aged woman watering some plants on the front stoop. " This must be it". She waved. " Hello Mrs Parkson".
The woman put down her gardening hose and turned around. " Well hello Jessica". She turned off the water and began to walk down the driveway. " Isn't it a beautiful afternoon".
" It sure is" was her reply as she and Bryson got out and now stood by the mailbox. She handed the woman a wrapped package. " Here is Mr Parkson's fixed watch".
" Thank you" she said as she wiped sweat from her brow. " Alan is in the back yard still working on that crazy thing". She smiled at Bryson. " And who is this handsome young man?".
Jessica blushed. " This is Bryson and he's helping me make some deliveries today".
He shook her hand. " Nice to meet you".
She smiled back. " Bryson, did you have a clubhouse in your backyard when you were a kid?".
" I sure did".
" You might be interested in what my husband is doing in the backyard".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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