Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Time chapter 8 page 3

NoTime chapter 8 page 3 by ric gustafson

" Repent" Mr Doomsayer said in a loud voice to the crowd in front of him. " For the seas will boil and the mountains will move".
" How can a mountain move old man?" snickerded a young man.
Bryson studied the crowd again. " Does anybody heed your message?".
" Sometimes" he replied with a sigh. " Most of the time they don't".
Jessica glanced at her watch. " Mr Doomsayer, have you seen Mr Hugs today?".
" I believe he is holding his sign somewhere on the next block".
" Perfect" she said as she turned toward Bryson. " Bryson, are you ready to go?".
" Yes". He shook Mr Doomsayer's hand. " It was nice meeting you".
" The feeling is mutual". He smiled at Bryson. " Oh Bryson by the way, I learned something very important as I studied the bible and the life of John the Baptist".
" What is that?".
He grinned at Bryson. " There is no time in heaven".

research help: ' Apocalyptic Planet' by Craig Childs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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