Friday, June 7, 2013

the fine print page 3

the fine print page 3 by ric gustafson

Gloria stared at the man in red.
" The fine print at the bottom of this brochure mentions James 1:14-15".
He gave her a sneer as he handed them out to the masses running into the store. " So what if it does!".
She took a tiny black pocket bible out of her purse and opened it to the book of James. " These verses say that temptation can lead to eternal death".
He smiled as someone grabbed one of his brochures and ran into the store." You are the only person who has complained about the fine print at the bottom of this brochure". He gave her a menacing look. " Go inside like everyone else and enjoy yourself".
Just then, Horace ran out of the store. " Gloria, I've got great news".
She threw the brochure on the ground. " What news is that?".
" The bowling center in Salvation wants to interview me".
" That's great" was her reply as the man in red tried to hand her another brochure. " We are leaving".
Horace gave her a perplexed look. " We just got here".
As they walked away, Satan shook his head in frustration. " Almost had him ". He gave an evil smile as he kept handing out the brochures. " Welcome to my Temptation Mega Mart".

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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