Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Great Harvest 101 page 5

The Great Harvest 101 page 5 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman wrote something on the board as the last of the students took their seats. He noticed that the time said 6:00. " Ok students let's get started". He pointed at the board. " Does anyone remember what Matthew 28:19-20 talks about?".
A hand went up.
" Yes Steven".
" Making disciples".
" That is correct". He wrote a word on the board. " Tonight we will be talking about threshing". He looked at the students. " Does anyone know about threshing as far as an agricultural harvest?".
Nobody raised their hands.
" A head of wheat is seperated from the stalk". " How do you think this relates to a spiritual harvest?".
Nobody raised their hands.
" Spiritual threshing is when someone is seperated from the things of their old life".
A hand went up. " Like what Mr Freeman?".
" Habits, desires and behaviors".
A hand went up. " Mr Freeman, does this happen right away?".
" No, it takes time and people need support and guidance to get through it". " Next week, we will talk about winnowing".

research help: Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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